21 Tammuz 5983 / 10 July 2023
Day 191 Readings:
BST: Numbers 29:1-31
DKL: 1 Chronicles 9-10, Acts 27:21-44, Psalm 8, Proverbs 18:23-24
Dear AVI,
HOLY is YOUR Name O GOD Almighty, ELOHIM of Heaven and Earth! HaShem YEHOSHUA Son of GOD! King of the Universe! AVI, forgive me that I have not been waking up as early as I want to like before at 5am. Please give me power to be awake once again. Give me the ability to exercise and do my stretches because my back is having some pain because of my wrong sleeping position. I pray for YOUR grace upon me O GOD. Help me to be everything YOU want me to be. I lift up to YOU the people who are sick, Brother Benett, Gaily, Gabella, Jhunn Marie and others in church I may not know. Please Adonai heal YOUR people, please Adonai have mercy on those who are suffering in their bodies and bring healing power upon each of them. I pray for salvation even for the unsaved, Ramon Tiu, Jose Gulfan, Jeannie Rose Gulfan, Moayed and Mais Hattab, Nadir and Niveen Hattab, Shadi, Fadi, Isam and their wives to be saved to love Israel and stand with Israel too, and the many others who still do not know YOU. Please AVI, make YOURSELF known to these people, reveal YOURSELF to them and bring them into YOUR house. I pray for deliverance upon Joella the girl who had 12 demons upon her, deliver her LORD from those that want to harm her. I pray for YOUR grace and power upon her. I pray for YOUR mercies upon her. I pray for peace and restoration upon her. Thank YOU that YOU hear me everytime I seek and pray. I pray for my family to walk in righteousness, for Mom Myra to fear YOU and submit to her husband and to all governing authorities upon her. I pray for YOUR grace upon me, that YOU will hear me LORD and make this year be the year that YOU will bring me to YOUR promise, have a family and life of my own with the man YOU have revealed for me to marry, Mosab Hassan Yousef. I pray O GOD, bring about the fulfillment of YOUR Promise and remember me this day, remember me YESHUA I invoke YOUR Name and ask YOU and I will keep asking YOU until YOU fulfill YOUR promises for me. It seems like I cannot wait anymore for doors to be opened to Israel, I need to move out but I want to take my time to plan and be able to have an open door opportunity in Israel where I can work or volunteer. Adonai, please bring me there because YOU have instructed me to go there, I cannot go there on my own so help me Adonai. Please help me YESHUA. I need YOU O GOD to help me to focus when I am in YOUR church to focus on the things that really matter. I pray that YOU will enable me to focus and not be distracted anymore. Please bring me into divine alignment and into YOUR perfect will. Please help me Adonai. I need YOU. Help me to understand exactly when YOU want me to be in Israel and through what organization or what way YOU will get me there. I don't want to worry about the how but about the what O LORD. I need YOU to continue to speak to me and reveal YOUR will to me O GOD Almighty and let my heart be ONE with YOURS always AVI.
Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMashiach, Amen!

Dear Yousef,
Today I am happier and enjoying the gift of the present more than I am fearful of tomorrow's outcome because of my family's lack of fear of GOD, because I was able to talk to my parents and tell them why we ought to be abiding with the law than breaking it because we belong to GOD. So this morning was able to do much and I brought Fiona with me. I went to the lawyers office, to the bank and then to my safe place my Mandaue Office. I can live there despite of it's uncomfortable conditions because it has become a place of safety and refuge where GOD's presence abounded when HE brought Arlene and I there to live during the pandemic lockdown. I was busy the whole time I was there and my most favorite time is lunch time with Ma Elsie where we are able to eat, talk and have communion each day together. I came home around 6pm plus so I can finally watch the move "Gran Torino" with my Dad and brother David, and Mom watched with us too. These are my assignments this week, to watch the movie so that I can give a movie feedback to Frankie the Real Estate Agent that's trying to make a deal with our condominium with my mother and I also have to finish reading the book "Man's search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl because I need to give feedback of this book to my counselor friend Pepoy. The movie left me sad and just scared because the sweet girl who touched the Old man's heart was raped and so the old man decided to give his life to have the most amazing revenge for his Vietnamese family neighbor. The verse in the John 15:13 also resounded in my Spirit as the movie came to an end.
Walt was a type of Christ who gave his life for his friends, it wasn't even his family but his neighbor who treated him with love and respect that he gave his life for them. It was a great movie and very realistic too. I'm so glad I watched it with my family and tomorrow night, I hope to watch Fauda with my father and brother again, we really enjoyed Fauda because we all love Israel and this series is also realistic and sad because the war is sad! It got me thinking, would it be better to die because of bad gansters or to die because of false religion??? Either way death is the common denominator but I think I would prefer the Terroist in the middle east than the gansters, I don't know but at least the Terrorist do it all because they are deceived by their religion and not because they are just bad. Anyway, tomorrow I have lots to do and I pray that each day GOD will bring me closer and closer to HIS perfect will where I can do my volunteer work in the Gates of the Land HE loves the most-Zion. May the LORD bring me there this year to be a blessing and help to the Nation of Israel.
Love always, Marie