Growing up as a little girl, I was addicted to watching Disney movies because I loved the feeling it gave me after every movie — Victorious — that the good always wins, the bad always lose.
As I have been watching these sweet romantic stories, I observed that in every Story, the characters are constant in their roles of Beauty, Hero and Evil. There is the Princess who is beautiful, the Prince who is the Hero and the Witch who is Ugly. But unknown to me was the indoctrination of these stories that led me to believe that in every Fairy tale, the Princess is always in distress and the Prince was always the Hero who saves or rescues the Princess from the Ugly Witch. But this kind of mind setting is not always correct, because in reality, not all stories have the same pattern or story line.
I was trained by my parents to be a strong independent woman, they empowered me — you can achieve anything if you work hard enough. The greatest legacy my parents gave me was not an inheritance but a legacy of faith — you can do anything in CHRIST, if you just believe.
But today, we have a problem here, because I do not fit in any story line that Disney movies always present to the world. I’ve not been taken (happily ever after) by a courageous handsome Prince because I am the kind of damsel that never seems to need any rescuing. And every man I meet would either be intimidated or would chicken out on such a powerful Damsel like me.
Of course I needed saving many many times in the darkest moments of my life when I was also captured by the enemy. But in the story of my life, JESUS was always the Fair White Prince who rescued me. There was not any “Prince” that became a Hero figure in my life but HIM. But I have never lost my hope in KING JESUS, the Greatest HERO of my life who promised me a love that is as Faithful and True as HE is, HE has always been, and who is still yet about to prove Himself very soon!

Still, my story doesn’t fit the Disney movies that I love so much, so I turn to the Greatest Stories a Book could ever hold and it’s the BIBLE. The Story of GOD are filled with Stories of Strong, Courageous, Heroic Women like Rahab the prostitute, Yael the heroine who killed Israel’s enemy with a hammer and nail, and Deborah — Prophetess Judge who led Israel to victory over their enemies. I read and checked their love lives, (relieved) ah! they all are married. It gives me hope that these women were not unloved, they were married to good men. Maybe these men didn’t impact the world as much as these women did, but these men are as much as heroes as their wives were because these women would not be as strong, beautiful and courageous if it weren’t for the man in their lives who supported them and encouraging to do whatever GOD was leading them to do. Today I do have human heroes and I give credit to my father who has raised me to be strong and wise, to my Pastors/Mentors (men and women) who has nurtured my faith, and my mother who is a living example of a very strong, empowered, faith filled woman of GOD.
Written by, Yiska, Cebuana Padala