25 Sivan 5983 / 14 June 2023
Day 165 Readings: Proverbs 3:1-35, Hebrews 12:1-13

This morning Dad and I talked on the breakfast table about the good news about my meeting the previous night with Peachy and Oding. I had dinner with them because Peachy is going back to Manila and Oding also announced her biggest miracle of getting back together with her husband after 34 years of separation. Mom came down for breakfast so late. But after we talked I prepared my lunch box and set out for the office.
At the office, I always enjoy having lunch with Ma Elsie, having communion together and after lunch I was doing business work and after I was done decided to apply to Amutat Yad LeāEzra Izrael. I first fixed my resume and then wrote supposedly a brief application letter but it extended to a long one because the Spirit led me. After I wrote my letter, I felt a sense of relief that I've done the first part of my promise, find ways to go to Israel. So I went out of the office and happy to see Pastor Jonah there. We talked in the afternoon about what's been going on, and I was able to tell him my plan to go to Israel this year and I was suprised because he was supportive. So I also asked him to pray for me and let him hear Pastor Daniel's recommendation to me. He confirmed my mission to go there because he has been hearing of a certain "messiah" coming to Israel that Bibi Netanyahu believes in and he is paving the way for him as if he is "John the Baptist" but both Pastor Jonah and I know that this "coming human messiah" is actualy the antichrist that the book of revelations has written about. I didn't know about this Rabbi who is so well versed about the TORAH but the religious people seem to be excited about him. We had bible study about a father's role in the family which was such a spirit filled preaching and then we decided to have dinner at his favorite place called "Mattias Barbeque". It rained so hard while we were there that even when we finished our dinner we were forced to stay for a while and talk and I believe GOD really sent that heavy rain so that he could confess to me that all 3 of his new dogs have died in their home because they left them alone in the house for 1 week. I felt so pity for him that I decided right away to give him one of Sunshine's puppies when she gives birth to the 3rd set of puppies. During May when he told me he left for Oslob without the dogs and I asked him about it, he confessed that he lied to me saying "they are okay" because he still couldn't bring himself to tell me they have died because they were too much complacent on their well being. I felt pity for Pastor because I know how much losing a dog bring so much pain in the human soul. I know this pain so well because of what happened in the past that is why I am now very careful with my dogs. Even for the rest of the nights that I have chosen to lseep in the music room to guard them because this room is next to the billiard place that they are all being kept, except Cobe the only one who is allowed to stay inside the house because he is potty trained.
I came home with many thoughts in my mind, but I was able to disperse any worry or anxiety when Natanel and I prayed after we had communion together. I always pray for you because you are one of the most important reasons GOD made me and so I pray for your well being, joy, peace and sound mind but I don't pray about love because I will be the one to bring it to you when the LORD brings us together soon.
I hope this letter finds you blissful and happy
Truthfully yours,
Marie Christine "Yiska"