28 Sivan 5983 / 17 June 2023
Day 168
Readings: Leviticus 11:1-47, Mark 5:1-20

Shabbat Parasha Korach (Korah)
Torah Reading: Numbers 16:1–18:32
Haftarah Korach: Sh’mu’el Alef (1 Samuel) 11:14 – 12:22
B’rit Hadashah suggested readings for Parashah Korach: 2 Timothy 2:8–21; Y’hudah (Jude) 1–25; Acts 5:1–11

"Korach son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and certain Reubenites — Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth — became insolent and rose up against Moses.” (Numbers 16:1–2)
The Abomination of Strife and Division
God loves peace and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) dwells in peace (shalom).
God hates strife, discord, and division between brothers, calling the one who sows them an abomination:
“These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: … one who sows discord among brethren.” (Proverbs 6:16, 19)
Dearest Yousef,
Shabbat Shalom!!! We left the house around 5:45am heading towards the airport. But when we arrived we were shocked to know that the Flight has been cancelled. I was not as dissappointed as they were because it is a trip but I dragged myself to go just because I already made a promise to GOD to go knowing that HE already paid all my debts. I keep telling myself to enjoy this trip because this is the last international trip I am having with my family. But I feel so much anger towards my brother and his wife for stirring my family against me. May the LORD rebuke them! And help me to forgive and love my enemies, as I trust GOD to fight for me and vindicate me. I honestly cannot help myself to obeying GOD because any human being does not have the capacity to forgive unless it was the grace and Spirit of GOD that enables them. I am praying every moment that I am near the dyesebelic spirits, that GOD will protect me from them and fight against them for me. I have no One else on my side but GOD, even my Dad is manipulated by my dysebelic mother but she is not as harmful to me as she was before, but she still does not display equality and justice towards our workers while my sister in law hates her own mother and sister that until today she speaks ill of them telling me she is envied by her sister, and mistreated by her mother. Yes it's true because her mom is also dysebelic but she shouldn't hate her because her mother doesn't know the WORD of GOD, she a religious catholic, deceived as anyone else. And I didn't think this sin would be so grave until the day she harmed me by telling my brother I shouldn't be a watchman and both of them isinuating against me so that my whole family fought against me. Her dysebels caused my fire to die down and she will have to face GOD for touching my life when she has no business intruding over my GOD and GOD's calling for me. She leads worship at church like I did, but she still abhors hatred towards her mother instead of crying our to GOD for her. I cannot stand their hypocrisy or stand to be near these people but I am praying for GOD to enable me to enjoy this trip with dysebels but how can I eat in a table with hypocrites??? I don't know what GOD will do but I am in Spirit of intercession. I pray to be relieved of any fire HE is allowing me to go through but I pray most of all to be purified and sanctified by the fire HE is allowing me to go through. I pray to be able to endure without allowing myself to be bitter. I pray to be able to cry out to GOD for these dyesebels to be cast out from my mother and sister in law. But somehow I am so angry with my sister in law I still cannot bring myself to say hi to her or talk to her. I pray for HIS grace to abound in my life and in everyone in the family as GOD is allowing us to experience some problems in our Japan tour. I am also just observing everybody and keeping quiet all the time, keeping my thoughts and prayers. My brother David still lacks maturity, he does not understand how to appease my Dad, he needs to present himself as mature so that by the time he asks to marry his girlfriend, my father will bless the marriage even if my mother wont. I am already determined to win back my father after Dean and his wife destroyed my relationship with the rest of my family. But irregardless of their decision, I am determined to go to Israel, meet you and marry you when you ask me to and I will stay with you forever, even death could not keep us apart because I long to go home to the LORD with you on that day GOD brings us to HIS Heavenly home. Please pray for me, I am angry and I will not try to be a plastic about it, I am very angry but I will carry all these emotions to GOD and bring it at HIS feet or else I will be sick harboring it! Right now I am enjoying my shabbat at home. But while I was at the airport, I cannot help but imagine being there finally on a flight to Israel. I cannot help but be excited and hopeful for GOD's promise for me to come to pass.
I will write again soon, thank you for reading my letters. 13:07
2:52am 18 June 2023
Now in the plane about to take off. I fell asleep for the most part in the airport, could it be because I been eating too much? I ate 3 times today and to me that's too much. I miss fasting because of how it made me feel, I miss night watching for the same reason. I could have toured and enjoyed the airport, but I slept. And as I was getting on the plane lining up last from my siblings I cannot help but pray to ABBA to remember me, I begged HIM to change my life because what I feel for my family is somehow what you feel for yours. I'd rather be away from them than bear their hypocrisy and unauthenticity.