170 Tammuz 5983 / 6 July 2023
Day 187 Readings:
BST: Numbers 15, Galatians 2:1-10DKL: 1 Chronicles 3, Acts 24, Psalms 4, Proverbs 18:16-18

Dear ABBA,
Great are YOU LORD!!! HOLY is YOUR Name!!! Toda for enabling me to fast the liquid fast today I went to the bank and to Ayala so that my sister can have her globe line transferred to her name and it is also my first day of my liquid fast so I drank a lot of Coconut and Yoghurt in the afternoon. I thank you for the support of Pastor Jonah who prayed for me and for the mission you are sending me out this year. I thank you for the comfort I received in church tonight as I prayed together with the believers for the Prosperity of our Nation. Please continue to sustain me as I continue this fast until Saturday. I thank YOU that today BF Julie has responded that I should connect with her church friend Sally who is actively working with OM (Operation Mobilization) to help me to get on board Doulus/Logos. She wanted me to get on board as soon as possible even though I told her I am only planning to get on Board on October after our church Anniversary. So her urgency got me to thinking maybe I should be riding that boat before October. I will seek YOU more about this LORD but I also felt the urgency. Please make things clearer to me this week, whether I should already write their office this week or on Monday because of the prayer and fast that I am still doing this week, I only planned to write their office on Monday. So I am seeking YOU LORD, help me to know YOUR will and to faithfully and carefully obey it.
Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMashiach Amen
Dear Yousef,
You are always in my prayers, always in my heart and in my mind. I am finally being led to Doulus/Logos Ships this day as I spoke to one of the workers with OM who work with the Ships she seemed happy and in the urgency to get me on board as soon as possible. I have beent thinking at the prayer night at church that probably I need to board that on August because of the urgency. She said Logos is going to Africa, but you are in South East Asia, so I should probably follow her advice to board Doulus since it's a newer ship and it's traveling all over Asia. I pray for me as I finalize my decisions this week. The goal is to get out of the family radius or else I will never be able to reach my dreams if I do not act on them now! I pray that I will come into the mission field as soon as possible where I will meet you and be united to you! I am excited to go even if I have to leave behind Cobe and the other dogs, I pray to come back for them with you and take them with us when we are already married. May the LORD hear the cries of my heart and be merciful and gracious to me this year.
Love, Marie