150 Tammuz 5983 / 4 July 2023
Day 185 Readings:
BST: Numbers 5, Galatians 1:1-10
DKL: 2 Kings 24-25, Acts 22, Psalm 2, Proverbs 18:13

Acts 22
10 So I said, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said to me, ‘Arise and go into Damascus, and there you will be told all things which are appointed for you to do.’ 11 And since I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of those who were with me, I came into Damascus.
12 “Then a certain Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good testimony with all the Jews who dwelt there, 13 came to me; and he stood and said to me, ‘Brother Saul, receive your sight.’ And at that same hour I looked up at him. 14 Then he said, ‘The God of our fathers has chosen you that you should know His will, and see the Just One, and hear the voice of His mouth. 15 For you will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. 16 And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.’
Dear AVI my GOD and KING!!! HOLY are YOU My GOD and Savior, my KING!!!! I need you each day to guide me specifically into the path that YOU are going because I want to carefully follow YOU and YOUR will for me. It seems to me that YOU are consistently telling me to go, to go, to go, and it is to Bethelehem and now to Damascus or Syria which is Arab side of the Middle East. Adonai, lead me to YOUR path, lead me to YOUR perfect will, take care of me ABBA and all the dogs YOU have entrusted into my care. I am willing to go just prepare me to be sent, prepare me emotionally mentally physically and lead me always with YOUR Shekinah which I depend on for joy and peace. YOU are MY Peace of YESHUA, My Prince who crowns me with peace. Toda so much for taking away all my burdens in my heart. Toda so much for taking away all the burdens of my heart last night at the prayer night in my church as YOU gave me the Spirit to pour out all that has broken me with my family, thank YOU for taking all my burdens, and grief over them, because truly I am grieving and mourning over them. Toda O LORD for giving me a new day and something to be joyful and be happy about. Toda that I do not have to mourn anymore, because YOU have answered all my prayers for my family and the families connected to me and the church families. O LORD, I give YOU this day O GOD, have YOUR Way with me My King! I want to enjoy the rest of my days here in Cebu because YOU are sending me out really soon. Thank YOU for connecting me to Logos Hope through Julie My BF and Sally, thank YOU for leading me to Ha Yovel in Israel. Whichever way I will go, I thank YOU that YOU are the ONE who is leading me. Toda Raba Abba!!! YOU have given me new hope and I am excited now. I think YOU purposely led me to Japan so that I can get the feels of going out of my country and truly it is exciting to travel, I still love airplane food and waiting in the gates of the Airport. But what I want is to go to an adventure with YOU all over the Middle East where YOU are sending me. Toda ABBA!!! YOU are alrady providing ways for me as I seek YOU regarding coming into the NEW that YOU are leading me. I am excited ABBA, thank YOU for this joy and excitement, truly it is YOU! Truly! Because yesterday I was still afraid, I did not want to go... I was tied to my dogs my place of comfort. But YOUR Spirit will enable me O GOD to leave everything behind just as YOU led Abraham to a journey with YOU. Toda AVI, because YOU are working all things out for my good! Toda for YOUR grace and mercy! Toda!!! Because this place of comfort is no longer safe for me that is why I want to go out of here. Thank YOU even for the pain that YOU allowed me to experience in my own family. I know one day when I come back home, they will be transformed into what is more pleasing to YOU because my absence will speak more to them than my presence. Take care of my Family and my dogs My LORD because here I AM send me AVI! Send me!
Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMashiach, Amen!
Dear Yousef,
I woke up earlier today because I have been taking the japanese pink pills that help me move my bowels every morning and so I wake up to a stomach pain that I like so that I can move bowels everyday. I am constipated even though I love drinking water, but I am also an avid coffee drinker so that must be why I am constipated. Regardless it is my goal to move everyday because when I feel bloated, it's not nice, I feel uncomfortable. I gassed up full tank, and I was happier today than yesterday only to find that Mom wanted me to do more errands that she had already started doing. I said no because she can ask my youngest siblings to do them but she spoils them, so that's why I am now I saying no to her. But I didn't let her unfairness affect me, I just have to say no, and then I went to Chinabank and the officer talks to me about how her husband loves dogs so much that he cries for many days when they die, I told her, I am exactly the same. Then I came to the office and noticed that Cobe can't seem to see things anymore because of his morning glory, so I believe he needs a hair cut so he can see again. I feel that he is getting old and I am not prepared for him to leave me but I also cannot leave him, so I have to wait for him to leave me before I leave. I somehow cannot imagine losing Cobe because he has been with me many years, he will be turning 10 on September and this dog of mine is so special I had dreamt of bringing him to Israel with me because I see him swimming in the Tel Aviv Beach with us. I want that dream to come true if only you will come for me soon... but I believe Cobe can live until 14 years so while he is still young, I might as well hop on the Logos Hope Boat and be trained there and be with GOD there, I am waiting for you to come for me. No matter where I am I will let you know where I am so that you can always find me. If only I did Logos years ago but GOD wanted me to help the family business. I remember when I was home on 2010 I felt so lost, everything around me breaks me, I had no comfort, until GOD gave me Cobe on March 2014, I lost our white dog Cherry the previous month and my heart felt hallow. I wanted to find a dog and I planned to adopt at the animal shelter but Lo and Behold the goodness and loving kindness of GOD to me! Cobe was given by one of my best friend's brother. Gaily studied vet but she is a businesswoman right now, her brother owned 2 dogs at that time, and Cobe was one of them, I met him on December 2013 while he was still a puppy. They caged Cobe all the time because he was mean to the older dog and the older dog was afraid of him. They decided to give Cobe to Gaily but Gaily would not take him in because she had children now and she lived in Manila so she told her brother to give him to me and I was soooooo overwhelmingly happy because Cobe became my instant love... he was everything I wanted to have in a dog. When I was 5 -10 years old, I remember owning a brown teddy bear that looked exactly like Cobe and I wished he was alive, today, I have that dream as a young child and that teddy bear is now Cobe. How GOD gave him to me was more than a dream come true! I had Cobe at age 32 how long did I wait for GOD to make my long time childhood dreams come true??? 27 years??? Maybe? But regardless of the wait, I am so happy to be loved by a GOD who thinks about everything for me, gives me desires and fulfills them at the right time. I am leaning on our GOD like that, I am trusting HIM with my whole heart that one day you will be my husband because HE promised me. It's going to be you or no one else because HE engraved you in my heart! I lost so much money because I believed GOD's promise to me like crazy! All I have is GOD and that's all I need to have everything that I need and want. I am doing the One day a Meal fast this week. Not like before where I am not eating at all but I am thinking about that too, maybe I will do that after Wednesday our lunch meeting with Frankie tomorrow with Mom about real estate. Ok I will write again when I can.
The One who loves you, Marie