16 Tammuz 5983 / 5 July 2023
Day 186 Readings:
BST: Numbers 6:1-27
On being a Nazarite not allowed to drink alcohol nor cut their hair
Galatians 1:11-24
On Paul's ministry to being a bond servant of JESUS CHRIST to the Gentiles of Arabia and Damascus
DKL: 1 Chronicles 1-2, Acts 23, Psalm 3, Proverbs 18:14-15

Dear ABBA,
HOLY are YOU O LORD!!! Great and Mighty are YOUR Works!!! Holy is YOUR Name!!! YOU are my FATHER who loves and cares for me and so I pray that today fill me with YOUR love and surround me with YOUR peace O GOD ELOHIM!!! ABBA it's so interesting to note that yesterday as I was speaking to my sisters Gaw Arlene and Pauline, I realized that there were many men that YOU showed me but none of them yet had become KING in my life. Just as YOU had been showing Samuel who is to be King when you sent him to Bethlehem to Jesse's sons. I had been waiting for the King YOU have promised me because I cannot be without a man, YOU put it in my heart that I should marry and so here I AM waiting for YOU still, then I realized that it's okay if the men YOU impressed on me were not the chosen one, just like Samuel, he assumed the wrong men too and only the last and 7th One was the rightful King and his name was David, the man after YOUR own heart. It is so amazing today that as I waited for our meeting to come about with Frankie and Mom at Elim Central and I went there early so that I could have devotions with the Bible Readings that I always do that I read in 1 Chronicles 2 exactly what I wanted to know about the order of Jesse's sons and what was David's number was and he is the 7th!!! Because YOU have shown me here what I was thinking that I did not even search yet and here it is:
1 Chronicles 2
12 Boaz begot Obed, and Obed begot Jesse; 13 Jesse begot Eliab his firstborn, Abinadab the second, [i]Shimea the third, 14 Nethanel the fourth, Raddai the fifth, 15 Ozem the sixth, and David the seventh.
So here are the men according to what YOU have revealed to me in order:
Eliab - Earl
Abinadab - Navonel
Shimea - Zvika
Nethanel - Anthony
Raddai - Mosab
Ozem - Jay
David - Mosab My Yousef
Thank YOU LORD for this revelation!!! May YOU reveal even greater things to me. I am so much fascinated in the way YOU want to show me the things I am seeking!!! The way YOU talk to me is just so amazing!!! So let me write letters to My Yousef today as I always do because YOU have ordered me to do and I love doing it too.
Dear Yousef,
This morning I woke up a bit late because I slept late last night at 00:30 because when I got home, 3 people tried to talk to me on mobile, surprisingly Jay the 6th man GOD revealed to me, Pauline, my estranged sister in Christ and Cristina a sister from Manila who is doing the Intra Business. Then this morning, I decided to spend some time with Cobe because yesterday I noticed how he couldn't see anymore =(, he kept on bumping on things, so I bathed him and cut his hair (with struggle because he always fights with me when I cut his hair) and after I cared for him, I swam 3 laps on the swimming pool and then bathed to prepare for my real estate meeting with Frankie and Mom. Frankie was our Canadian tenant with filipina wife on 2015 and now he trying to deal with my mom as a realtor of our condominiums and I really appreciate the fact that he was still working so hard at 64 years old! I came to our meeting early because I wanted to do my devotions outside my home. I love my devotions because GOD speaks to me about my interests and desires through the WORD, HE knew what I loved and what I seek for, I was seeking the same thing as HE is, a man after GOD's own heart. And in the Stories of the Bible GOD describes a man who follows after his own heart - David, but I don't like to marry a David because he is not monogamous. That's why I don't like David, even though his heart was for GOD. I love Yousef - the Prince of Egypt because he was a man after GOD's own heart even though GOD didn't describe him to be so and he is faithful to one woman - Osnat and that is who I am Osnat and Mary at the same time because you are Joseph of the Old and New Covenant!!! So when I read about 1 Chronicles 2:12-15 and found the thing that I had been wondering about the sons of Jesse and their order and what number was David, I was amazed!!! When I was about to continue reading, Frankie arrives and we suddenly talk about our ancestry and desecent. Frankie is fascinated with me because even though he was raised in Canada, he is of Turkish descent so he was Moslem by birth but didn't practice Islam anymore but I dressed like a Muslim with a western open mindedness but I was a follower of JESUS. We talked about our personal lives and our conversation then got to a point where we talked about me wanting to marry an Arab man in the Middle East. Until at the end of our meeting we exchanged movies and he would watch The Documentary of Mosab Hassan Yousef "The Green Prince" and I would watch his all time favorite movie called "The Gran Torino". Before we separated ways I already told him I love you - A Palestinian Christian and he says you know what "look for him and send him a letter" I said I want to do that but you watch the film first so that you would know where I am coming from. And so we hugged twice and said goodbye. Driving towards the office, GOD impressed on me to help Frankie, because nobody could ever get to my Mom especially in business if not me. I know I was able to succeed with Ezra Townhomes because I really decided to help Jona and his team sell the property because Mom was so hard to deal with, I'm telling you she's just a pain even in my own life. If Jona didn't give me Sunshine, if I didn't have that debt, I would not be as determined to help their team sell off our townhouses. I was also a spoiled brat, I didn't want to work so hard to face the challenges of business if I didn't had that 2M debt from my parents because I was scammed by somebody who pretended to be you and I was desperate to get out of the house because my father had scolded me for doing Kingdom work when I cried out WOLF WOLF to one of the Pastor's in Cebu and now this test has come upon me again just because of my Kingdom work, my family had been hostile towards me when they had a 3 hour meeting with me just criticizing me of what I am doing. But it's okay I already poured my broken heart out to the LORD during our prayer night at church, I only loved GOD so much that I was acting like a lunatic and nobody could accept me, I was basically rejected by my family and it's taking time for me to accept that reality but I am accepting it and I am grateful even for the pain because GOD always has a purpose for it. This is the point of the pain HE is making me experience right now:
GOD is making me move, move out of my family and comfort zone! Finally after many years of waiting, I am moving and I don't even have to wait for you to come get me! I am praying to be sent on a mission either to Logos Hope or Israel, wherever GOD needs me, I'll be there. I am excited except for the fact that I will be leaving Cobe behind. I can't leave him, so I am praying to GOD to give him a longer life so that when I come back, I will bring him to Israel with us or wherever GOD sends us. But I can't really have things my way. I am surrendering to GOD's will and I pray to be unmoved by any emotional thing that will hinder me from being in the center of GOD's will. I am praying and next week I will be meeting with Pipoy and I want to tell him about my plans to check if my heart is right or am I just doing this for the sake of getting away from the pain. May the LORD lead me as HE had been leading me faithfully to victory. Please pray for me, tomorrow I plan to do a full fast until Saturday when our fast will break from it. A full fast from food or any beverage except water. May the LORD enable me once again.

At church during prayer night, Pastor preached about the LORD's Prayer and he taught about the line which says "Give us today our daily bread". Right after we prayed for healing and Pastor asked the elders and co-Pastors to pray for and annoint anyone in need of healing, my parents stood up because they were the only elders present tonight, and the Spirit of GOD urged me to be prayed for by my Dad because it was him and the rest of my family that hurt me and broke my Spirit, and I was happy because he broke down in tears praying for me and that meant a lot to me, a lot of my burden has now been unloaded as I obeyed GOD, and I was hesitant to do it but I finally did it before the prayer service ended. I want to obey GOD always but I was wondering why it was hard for me to go to my Dad and ask him to pray for me. I was surprised and then tonight, Mom came to my room concerned for me because Dad told him I was asking for prayers. I did my best to tell her the truth and I was not supposed to tell her I was planning to go on Missions aboard Logos Hope but then I told her, even the possibility of going to Israel this year. I didn't want to hide things from her and I want her to be prepared as early as now because I am planning to do it only after our church's anniversary. I pray you are well, I found a Palestinian guy online who is also a Christian and decided to message him because maybe he knows you and maybe he can connect us. I am praying for us to be together as soon as possible but maybe GOD really wants me to hop oboard Logos Hope first. May the LORD give long life to Cobe so that I can still enjoy mission work with Logos and then we can bring him to Israel after our wedding as I have seen in the vision.
Truthfully Yeshua's and yours,
Marie Christine