Start of Writing: June 28, 2017 Middle of Writing: March 4, 2020
End of Writing: March 14, 2023
Introduction to Chapter 7 - The Queen Warrior Bride of Christ the KING
This Chapter is when the Princess is crowned Queen because she marries a King whom the GREAT KING has been telling her about since Chapter 1 of her life...

Ok, I need to get this out so that people will glorify the KING that I love, and believe in YESHUA my KING the Only Son of the Living GOD. For how can faith please and glorify A KING when it is faith hidden in the caves??? Matthew 5:16
And honestly I would rather keep this a secret between me and HIM but this is an order from my KING for me to:
"Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later." - Revelations 1:19 NIV
"What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!"
- Matthew 10:27 NLT
Yes I am writing, but Am I shouting loud enough? Yes?
So I am simply obeying... most of you that know me, all know that I don't like being the center of attention but a surrendered heart and vessel will let the LORD do whatever HE pleases.
March 4, 2020
I have written this Chapter since 2017, and I expected to marry by that year, but even when it didn't happen I still believed my KING because HE always tests HIS servants if we really will be faithful and loyal to HIM no matter what.
I have prayed for a husband since I was 15. But the LORD only revealed this man to me slowly starting December 31, 2011 when He gave me Psalm 87 so please read that Word because I asked the LORD "Give me a clue of what kind of man you want me to marry?" And this was his reply Psalm 87. Read it and seek the secret of that passage. The Word of GOD is filled with mysteries, don't just read it on the surface, ask GOD what it means and you will understand exactly what GOD is saying because the WORD of GOD is KING JESUS Himself - My Everlasting!
March 14, 2023
Take Note: That as of our timeline today, the 22 Adar 5783 Marie Christine does not have a boyfriend, anyone courting or dating her right now.... but the GREAT KING says she will marry in the blink of an eye, a flash of lightning!!! I'm so excited!!! Hahahaha!!! You want proofs that I serve the True and Living GOD, so if you are doubting then you just have to wait for this promised sign because though it has been 25 years of wait for me, it will only be a days time for you or weeks for you. Depending on when you read this letter. So if you are excited for me then pray for me and hope with me. For My KING JESUS, HE never lies, because HE is the Truth, The Way, The Life!!! My Everlasting!!!
HIS Promise says that I will be crowned Queen SUDDENLY by a Prince Phillip, the Fairest Prince in all the Philippines.
The Promise comes in the form of 222:
2 Feasts in 2 Places at 2 Times Apart
3 (Three) 2's but in between those 2's is a 1
John 20: 29
Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
This world says "To See is to Believe"
but my KING Yeshua says "Blessed are those who have not yet seen, but believed!"
and so the laws of this world is totally opposite to the laws of the Kingdom of GOD because
Faith says " You have to Believe first so you can See"
My Faith says "I believe You Lord, so let the whole world see and so they too can believe that YOU indeed are the true and living GOD, my KING יֵשׁוּעַ המשיח (JESUS the Messiah)!!!"
Glory be to Your Name Hashem Kel Olam!!! Elohim!!!
El HaNe'eman!!! Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh!!! El Ysrael!!!
Melekh HaMelekhim!!! Adonai Elohei Tzeva'ot!!!
HaAv L'Yeshua HaMashiach!!! Hayotzer!!! HaShofet!!!
Avi Khol!!! Avi'ad!!! Avi Harokhot!!! Ruach HaKodesh!!!
Melekh HaGoyim!!! Adonei HaAdonim!!!
ba HaShem Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach!!!
Amen and Amen!!!
Thank you for your patience, Readers, Seekers and Followers of the TRUTH and beloved Warriors of the KING...
Truthfully Yours,

Yiska, Aurora Princess Bride of GOD's beloved Prince Philip, Fairest Prince of all Middle East
YESHUA My Daily Bread:
This was my Bible reading plan for many years now but I am following other reading plans that enable me to finish reading the Bible entirely in 1 year. And I read it again the next year and finish the Bible every year.

This is how I respond to GOD's word to me...

And in this particular prayer journal, GOD told me my husband is described in Psalm 87. So as you can see I have prayed for a husband since 15 and HE starts telling me about him since December 31, 2011. And today I am 40 years old so it has been 25 years of wait. It makes me think that I am like Abraham too because I know he waited 23 years for Isaac to finally be born to him. Child like Faith pleases GOD, Denying yourself for GOD's sake pleases GOD and in GOD's time, HE will reward those who have been truly following HIM.