Dedicated to: All who love sex
Written on: 26 Av 5777
Saturday, August 19, 2017
My Haven at the Watchtower of Ormoc

I am sitting at my favorite chair at my favorite spot in the Balcony of the House I stay - the Haven that GOD had prepared for me at the Wilderness of Ormoc.

My thoughts go as high as the skies, Elijah, Mary, and many spiritual reflections and then suddenly sex... Ayaaaaa!!! Embarrassed at myself I prayed to GOD “Abba forgive me for thinking such things, help me to persevere and keep my thoughts pure until I get married.” And then ELOHIM (laughing at me) who is so loving and just amazing, bring my eyes up the ceiling near the light. And I see lizards - guess what they were doing - having sex. How Ironic and Funny!!! I felt so ridiculous like Oh My GOD!!! What are you doing?! hahahaha!

But as I watch them enjoying each other, I was corrected by GOD Elohim telling me "Don't chastise yourself for desiring sex because I created sex for two humans under the covenant of marriage as a gift, to enjoy their commitment and to renew their love as much as they can." I stand corrected for being a goody-two-shoes or being "religious" because GOD is not just HOLY, HE is not just a good GOD, HE is a very very good GOD. My Abba ELOHIM who is holy created all things pure and holy so we can enjoy these HOLY things at the proper time. And so it's okay to desire sex and to desire marriage even for servants of GOD called to be pure and holy because sex is pure and sex is holy. When you respect everything as a gift from GOD, you do not treat it like garbage. When you know that sex is a gift, you do not take it for granted or take it lightly. Sex is a wonderful, beautiful gift, and it is to be waited on, it is a gift to be unwrapped at it's proper time and place. And GOD gave sex under the covenant of marriage.

Marriages are blessed by Almighty GOD and that is why we celebrate marriages through weddings. ELOHIM created marriages, HE made human hearts and human bodies. HE gave the gift of sex to married couples and HE is the GOD who loves Weddings so much. Don’t think GOD looks away when you are having sex with your spouse, because HE is enjoying this HOLY Act under the covenant of matrimony as much as you are!!! The only time GOD looks away at sex is when it is done outside of marriage - it is a sin.
And this is why I refuse to believe in the eternal Virginity of the Blessed Woman - Mary the mother of YESHUA.

It is true that she once was a virgin and I believe that YESHUA was conceived in her womb when she was a virgin because JESUS was conceived miraculously by the Holy Spirit. But the Bible clearly states that she got married to Joseph but her husband didn’t have sex with her until JESUS, the Messiah was born written in Matthew 1:25 (look it up). However, after the LORD JESUS was born, Mary was blessed to enjoy sex with her husband Joseph because she was married to him and they even had 4 sons (not counting the daughters) after the LORD JESUS, written in the Book of Mark 6:3 and Matthew 13: 55-56. So they did have sex and I bet they enjoyed it because they had more than 4 children. If you tell me that Mary was forever a virgin after being married to Joseph, then it goes to say that both Joseph and Mary are gods, they are not human! Because no human would say no to sex (especially) after they already have a license to do it (people even do it nowadays without the license, right?) Therefore the Blessed Woman - Mary was blessed to be “divirginzed” by a loving husband who was also obedient to the command of the LORD to marry her even when she was already pregnant with a Child. YES!!! Mary was blessed to enjoy sex because she had the permit to do it!!! Take it from a modern day Virgin and another Mary because my name is Marie derived from the name Mary. I write these things to testify that I, Marie Christine, am a virgin at age 35, and I desire to have sex with my husband when I get married!!! Yes, I am a virgin and I want to have sex!!! (Can you imagine me keeping myself a virgin all this time and never having to taste or experience sex - such a wonderful gift of GOD, one of life’s greatest pleasure? I didn't keep myself a virgin for nothing!) And by GOD’s grace Virgins still do exists today and I don’t know how many of us are still left but I am one of them and I will soon be an extinct because GOD has promised me a beautiful marriage.
During JESUS time, virgins were prized possessions. Their generation respected sex so much they value and honor these gifts as Holy or Sacred from GOD. But our generation today do not respect sex anymore, people just do it with anyone at anytime they want. And that is why sex becomes lust. It becomes a raging monster because it has been abused by people today. I am not saying I am perfect because I am not god, I am human. I have kissed a guy, I have been romanced, but GOD had preserved me miraculously and that is why I am still a virgin because GOD has kept my virginity until today. Virginity is a diamond!!! Hmmmm so that must be why Grooms give Diamond rings to their soon to be Brides!!! There were many times, I could have just given this diamond away, but GOD had heard my prayers when I was just 9 years old. As an innocent little girl, I had heard of rape stories in my city and I was scared so I asked GOD to keep me a virgin and only allow me to give my virginity to my husband because I wanted to give “Virginity” to him like a Diamond so that he understand that he is worth a diamond. I do not ask GOD to give me a virgin man, no! because that is not the reason why I kept myself a virgin. All I asked from GOD is to give me a husband who deserves a diamond because he is a diamond himself (character).
BIBLE - A Story of GOD's Love, Marriage and Sex to Humans.

ELOHIM Almighty loves Festivals and Celebrations so much. That is why HE commanded HIS people to celebrate festivals such as the Pesach (in Hebrew) or Passover, the Feast of Shavuot (in Hebrew) or Pentecost and the Sukkot (in Hebrew) or Feast of Tabernacles. The Sukkot is the Feast that symbolizes Weddings. GOD loves weddings so much that HE compares His love to His children like a Groom marrying a Bride Isaiah 62:5. HE begins HIS STORY in the BIBLE in Genesis, the Story of Creation with a Marriage between the first man Adam and the first woman Eve. HE ends the whole Story of HIS book in Revelations with The Wedding Feast of the Lamb or the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The Happily Ever After of GOD’s Story is already written in the last book of the Bible in Revelations, where the Princess’ or Princes’ who make GOD ELOHIM - their Father and KING will finally come to live inside the Palace of HIS many Mansions in Heaven and this my friend is not a Fairy Tale, it is real. The Question is, do you want to be part of HIS Kingdom Family? If yes, then chose today to receive HIS Son YESHUA as Your Savior and KING because if your answer is NO, then there is also a place for orphans who refuse HIS love and that place is called Hell.
I’m sorry for being harsh but HELL my friend is harsher than I am. I’d rather be harsh to you now than be kind to you when I know you are going the wrong way... yes that’s the wrong way!!! Yes you, when you don’t accept YESHUA and start following YESHUA, even if you say you believe in YESHUA, but you do not obey HIS Words, you my friend are going to HELL. And it is better for the fornicators in this world who do not associate themselves with GOD than for you who claim to know GOD and yet mock HIM by living a careless sinful mind. Let me be restate here what the LORD JESUS told His disciples when HE was on earth recorded in the Book of Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” This goes out to you who say you are a ‘Christian’, you who say are a ‘Catholic’ and yet you think malicious thoughts on a beautiful woman when you are already married!!! The 10 Commandments may have stated in Exodus 20:14 “Thou shalt not commit adultery” But when YESHUA came to earth to die for you, the standard of GOD’s laws have just been raised to a higher level!