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Yeshua Our Passover Lamb

The KING and I

2nd Watch of 17 Nissan 5780

Updated: 27 March 2021, 14 Nissan 5781

Introduction: I PRAISE GOD ADONAI ALMIGHTY!!!! Finally after 50 days of Night Watching, no sleep since GOD has called me a Watchman on a 222, only slept two nights because of exhaustion, my breakthrough has finally come tonight after I have washed the feet of the Beloved disciple of YESHUA whose name is ElishibaArlene, after the 2nd day of PESACH/Passover/Unleavened Bread! Here is the KING's Solution to the CORONA plaguing the Nations:

Pinadayag 12:11 Ug sila nakadaug batok kaniya pinaagi sa dugo sa Cordero ug sa pulong sa ilang pagpanghimatuod, tungod kay wala man sila mawili sa ilang mga kinabuhi bisan pag anha sila sa kamatayon.

Pahayag 12:11 At siya'y kanilang dinaig dahil sa dugo ng Cordero, at dahil sa salita ng kanilang patotoo, at hindi nila inibig ang kanilang buhay hanggang sa kamatayan.

For the glory of YESHUA our Passover Lamb 2000 years ago!!! KING JESUS Reigns over me and the entire Philippines!!!


OVERCOMING a PLAGUE spiritually through the spiritual elements!

How to Combat "A PLAGUE" brought by the apocalyptic pale horse with the Angel of death riding on it. TO COMBAT is both cure and prevention! 

Covid-19/Plague = Angel of Death plaguing Egypt during the Exodus of GOD's people during Passover Season recorded in the HOLY SCRIPTURES in Exodus 12. An Angel of death is riding the Apocalyptic Pale Horse in Revelations 6:8 KING YESHUA Ha Melech or JESUS the KING, Adonai Tzevaot said to Yiska, the donkey.

Revelations 6:8

I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. There are many form of sickness/plague leading to death, Corona is ONE of the four elements of the Apocalyptic Pale Horse, to kill by the sword, by death, famine, and by the beasts of the earth. But a plague always comes on Passover so don't be carefree Warriors, be cautious and vigilant always.


WARNING to NON-FRONTLINERS: Do not disobey your Government Authorities going out of your houses on a Lockdown just because you already know the TRUTH because the Angel of Death kills all those who are disobedient because they have inside the beast of a wolf. The Same Problem in Ancient Egypt will need the same Solution today to all GOD's people!  SOLUTION to the WORLD's CORONA Problem:

FAITH IN YESHUA our Passover Lamb

ACTION: Partaking the BODY and BLOOD of YESHUA


Healing is conditional, it requires actions of "HEEDING, DOING, GIVING EAR, KEEPING

Actions of What?

Heeding the Voice of the LORD (My sheep hear my voice John 10:27-28)

Doing what is Right in HIS Eyes (according to HIS instructions, follow instructions)

Giving Ear to HIS Commandments (Listening, Reading HIS Commandments)

Keeping all HIS Statues (Keeping all HIS Laws, not missing even one command)

Exodus 12 NKJV FOR ALL PEOPLE - Communion Elements are Bread of HIS Body and Cup of HIS Blood 5 Your lamb shall be without[a] blemish, a male [b]of the first year. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. (YESHUA the perfect Lamb of GOD, we eat HIM as bread) 7 And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it. (The blood of the Lamb is the New Covenant of His blood) FOR WARRIORS/Frontliners:

11 And thus you shall eat it: [c]with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand (this is a Sword like weapon it's the BIBLE if you want to be effecient memorize the communion passages). So you shall eat it in haste. It is the Lord’s Passover. (EAT IT PROPERLY FULLY ARMED WITH THE ARMOR OF GOD - with a belt please and head covering for women - more on 1 Corinthians 11) 

Literally put the Armor on!!!

1) Helmet of Salvation - any cap, veil, hijab

2) Breastplate of Righteousness - The 12 Stones Necklace or Breastplate to protect your heart from being defiled by evil. Make sure you are obedient to every WORD of GOD!!! No disobedience please! pilde ka gyud!!! kinabuhi-a ang pulong sa DIOS

3) Belt of Truth - any belt symbolizing the TRUTH of GOD's word that you live out (gikinabuhi ang PULONG sa DIOS, hugot ang pag tuo sa hawak ug bakos) I have to emphasize this because something happened this morning 27 March 2021. I went to bed 30minutes past 6AM this morning, I didn't expect to get sleep paralysis but I did, because when I slept I didn't put the belt on my waist, I just forgot to put it on after I was removing my bra so I can sleep well because my mom said it's not good to sleep with the bra on, so I had to remove my belt but I didn't put it back on when I slept and I was trained by the KING to always have a belt and head covering on even while sleeping because the fallen angels or sons of GOD in Genesis 6:2 they roam the earth to rape beautiful women. This morning I had this experience but I was able to resist the paralysis even without the belt on because of the RUACH who was strong within me, but I'm not gonna take any more risks because I am also a fallen human being. Relieved that I woke up from the paralysis, I quickly put the belt on so I can have a good sleep without any disturbance from demonic seductions. So for the women please make sure you wear a belt and you are covered on your head (updated 27/2/2021 14 Nissan 5781)

4) Sword of the Spirit - Incense of Prayers - Activate Word of GOD, prophecy, speak life

5) Shield - White Robe of Faith - White symbolizes purity of your faith and trust in GOD, NO doubt, walai duhaduha sa pagtuo, 100% TRUST! Wear White Clothes or clothe yourself with the Prayer Shawl

6) Shoes/Feet of the Gospel - You are preacher of the life you live, do not be mute, preach!

7) Ephesians 6:14 STAND, stand your ground is a matter of Attitude: DO NOT FEAR!!! BE FIERCE!!! Have a fearless attitude!!! YOU are the VICTORIOUS CONQUEROR, not the defeated foe!!! ayaw gyud pakita nahadlok ka because fear only means you are not ready for this war, step back and withdraw because fear will make you lose your battle. And to be without fear, you have to be filled with the love of YOUR ABBA Father, Your Savior JESUS and be filled with the RUACH (Holy Spirit of the Living GOD) for perfect love casts out any fear! 1 John 4:18

Exodus 12 12 ‘For I will pass through the land of Egypt (Philippines) on that night, and will strike all the firstborn (every rebel/disobedient) in the land of Egypt(Philippines), both man and beast; and against all the gods (idols) of Egypt (the Philippines) I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.  13 Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.

IN THE NEW COVENANT of Matthew 26:26-30/Mark 14:22-26/Luke 22:7-13 and

1 Corinthians 11:23-32

THE LAMB OF GOD is JESUS/YESHUA HaMashiach, HE is the bread!

THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB is the WINE that YESHUA Drank, so I encourage everyone to use REAL WINE in partaking the BLOOD either Tanduay, RED wine or Kulafo that has alcoholic content! But if palahubog ka, ayaw nalang kai pwede rajud juice. (If you are alcoholic, don't do it, just use juice instead.)

Therefore we ought to do the NEW COVENANT Passover which is the COMMUNION everyday to combat any challenge, trial, any sickness plaguing the Philippines!

I challenge everyone to take GOD's Word seriously by following HIS WORD by Communion carefully according to 1 Corinthians 11, make sure you are already dressed properly before having communion.

1) Come before the LORD in Reverence 2) Ask forgiveness from all sins known or unknown 3) If already a believer of YESHUA/JESUS, then proceed to Step 4, if not you need to Accept the LORD JESUS into your heart and make HIM YOUR LORD and KING! 4) Communion by Partaking YESHUA/JESUS properly during the Corona plague season, women please wear a belt and head covering in obedience to 1 Corinthians 11:5-6. Then start by reading 1 Corinthians 11:23-32/Matthew 26:26-30/Mark 14:22-26/Luke 22:7-13 partaking HIS body by any form of bread (biscuit) and drinking HIS blood by wine or tanduay or any form of liquid like water, soft drinks or juice. Note to my brethren in the Messianic Community: YESHUA/JESUS is not legalistic let us not make it hard for the Gentile Filipino people to comply because GOD will use anything as long as we BELIEVE because FAITH is the most important element here! (Mark 5:34, Luke 17:19) 5)  IF already infected with "corona" or "feeling sick" Please follow Chinese Doctors advice from CHINA below: Drink hot water with salt, and stay in sunlight killing any VIRUS according to the advice of Wise Chinese Wuhan Doctors, that the HOLY SPIRIT has confirmed to Yiska through the HOLY WORD of GOD, found in Matthew 5:13-16.  This message was circulating the internet and the RUACH  HADODESH/HOLY SPIRIT confirmed that this message is legitimate through the WORD of GOD in Matthew 5:13-16 BE the SALT AND LIGHT to the World. *Doctors from Wuhan who arrived in the Philippines to help urgently advised... Doctors in China confirm. 這 是 100 % 準確 的 信息 , This information is 100% accurate 對於 每個 人 都 非常 有效。 Very effective for everyone 為什麼 中國 大陸 過去 幾天 大大 減少 了 感染 人數 China has significantly reduced the number of infections in the past few days. 除了 戴 口罩 勤 洗手 外 , Besides wearing masks and washing hands 他們 只是 簡單 地 每天 漱口 3 次 鹽水 They also gargle salt water 3 times a day 完成 後 , 喝水 5 分鐘。 After that, drink warm water for 5 minutes 因為 該 病毒 只能 在 喉嚨 中 侵襲 , Because the virus initially only attacks the throat 然後 再 侵襲 肺部 Then attack the lungs 當 受到 鹽水 侵襲 時. When hit by salt water 該 病毒 會 死亡 或 胃中 胃中 下來 並 在 胃中 銷毀, The virus will die or descend and disintegrate in the stomach 這 是 預防 冠狀 病毒 流行 的 唯一 方法 , This is one way to prevent Covid19 . 市場 上 沒有 藥品 There is no medicine on the market 所以 不要 購買。 No need to buy 童 綜合 王叔 昂 醫師 醫師 : The General Hospital stated 新 冠 肺炎 在 還 沒有 來到 肺部 之前, Before the corona / virus reaches the lungs 它 會 在 喉嚨 部位 存活 4 天 The virus lives in the throat for 4 days 在 這個 時候 , 人們 會 開始 咳嗽 及 喉痛。 At this time, the infected start to cough & sore throat. 如果 他 能 儘量 喝多 溫 開水 及 或, If you can drink as much warm water as possible 就能 消滅 病菌。 Can eliminate viruses 儘快 把 此 訊息 轉達 一下 , Hurry and spread this message. 因爲 你 會 救 他人 一 命! Because you will save someone's life 由 刘 赞 坤 翻译 于 2020 年 4 月 5 日 FINALLY after being healed please do these  steps of GO and SIN NO MORE: Matthew 5:13-16 Be the SALT AND LIGHT! Exodus 12:22 -  STAY HOME or STAY PUT especially on Passover and on Lockdown -  BE OBEDIENT TO AUTHORITIES and GOVERNING LAWS (Titus 3:1, Romans 13:1-14)  1 Peter 2:13-17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.  The Emperor is His Excellency, Presient Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the Philippine King #du30 BE COMPLETELY OBEDIENT TO EVERY WORD OF GOD!!!

Truthfully yours, 

Yiska, Cebuana Padala sa Amahan ug Hari The Donkey become D'vorah Watchman of La Islas Pilipinas from Sugbo, Zion of the Philippines!

Please click here for an explanation of Alcohol: The science of alcohol killing virus

YOU WANT PROOF that I DID NOT DIE FROM ANY VIRUS when GOD sent me to battle? Click and read --> The LION of JUDAH Roars from Zion through all HIS children lions!!!

The Conspiracy Theory behind Corona: The Intentions of Corona Conspiracy Theory of Corona May this secret reach the hands of the Philippine King, His Excellency, President of the Philippines! For the Love of  YESHUA HaMashiach, Adonai Tzevaot For the Love of the Filipino People and the Nation of the Philippines!

For I follow the TRUTH and the TRUTH has set me free

Credit to the Prophet teacher who taught me to take communion everyday: Rev. Greatness Tunde website: email: / FB: Spiritual Covering: My father and mother Dennis&Myra Pastor Carlos&Sarah

Pastor Jonah&Ann Prophet "Cez"


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