Dedicated to every Warrior of Light in Honor of the greatest Warrior I know - my Mother Myraflor Yu

My Dear Warriors, my fellow soldiers, Little Giants, Freedom Fighters, today’s Superhero, X-Men or Avengers, Witch Slayers, you know they call us many things in the movies in this present age because we are different; we have Superpowers what the Bible refers to as Supernatural Spiritual Gifts.
And this is what makes us different from the rest, our gifts make us weird, we stand out and so we are different so very different from the rest, nobody understands us, we’re too sensitive, we live in a World of Fantasy – you know we have a world of our own. We’re easily hurt so we are susceptible to depression – suicidal even because we just stand out from the crowd because we are going through a lot of hardship and oppression usually from the devil and we are weak and not like the rest just steady and strong and some of us are also too strong for anyone, it’s really the most extreme opposite. We are the Cinderellas, the Beautiful Belle you know they label us peculiar and odd, weird or a funny girl, we are also the sleeping Beauties, Rapunzel, Mulan, Elsa’s and Annas, Moana and even Anastasia in the Fairlytale of Lalaland World. We are envied most of the time and so we are most likely betrayed then we become rebels and outcasts like Malificents and Ursulas too. In the Bible we are there too. We are the Moses, Joseph’s, Jacob – because we wrestle with GOD a lot, Elijah’s, Elisha’s, the Miriams, Ruth’s, Rahab’s and Deborah’s, the present day Kings like David’s whose not afraid of Giants, the Isaiah’s – we think we are sent by GOD, Jeremiah’s – young prophets we receive too many visions, Daniel’s – we get in trouble all the time, and Jonah’s because we like to run away in the Old Testament. We are also in the New Testament and we are the Followers of JESUS, disciples of CHRIST always learning from JESUS like Matthew, Mark and John, the Apostle Paul, Peter and Timothy’s. But you know, because I’m a little wide eyed silly girl, GOD speaks to me through fairytales such as these and I will explain how I understand the fairytales like I do…. Christine and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast – I am Belle and I exchanged my life for the freedom of my father and I am locked up in a dungeon or tower of a Monster but as I got to know the Beast I fall in love with him. So Christine and the Beast we like to dance all through the Night and talk about what’s in my heart at the Balcony or Haven HE provides.

The King and I – We like to write stories and songs of love. Yes Poems of love, because the KING HE just loves writing and writes through me and I let HIM be.

The Lion King – I discover that my identity is in HIM, my FATHER who is actually the LION the BEAST of the Jungle, as Simba, the Prince, that’s how I discovered that HE lives inside me. But I cry out to my GOD inside me and ask “Why can’t they see you in me ABBA? Why can’t they see that you are a King? Why can’t they see you in me? Why do they keep looking at me, I’m nothing! I can’t write all these wonderful things! I’m not that Brilliant or smart… I know me, maybe they don’t know me. I’m just frustrated why they can’t hear Your voice and see You in the things YOU make me write, so many of them think that it’s just me! Anna the Shulamite and her King

Anna and the King – I fall in love with the KING and I realize that I’m after all what the Song of Songs refer to as the Shulamite, the woman who weirs a Veil because she is a Bride and it’s not a Spiritual Veil I say it’s really a physical one, like a hoody! Ah so that’s a Shulamite – an Anna!

Elsa will get to the cross of JESUS over to Anna, then they fight together
Frozen – and because I am Anna, I discover that I have a sister adopted by another Mother – Jezebel or Maleficent. But she’s really my sister daughter of my FATHER, it’s just that she’s not at home in the Castle with me, she’s hiding somewhere secretly because she doesn’t know how to use the powers that were given her and so Jezebel/Maleficent comes to take her in as her daughter and that’s why she’s in the wrong side. But Elsa’s and Anna’s they really are what the Bible calls as Shulamites, Warriors and true Brides of CHRIST because they wear the Veil – a covering over their head. Elsa’s are taken captive by the devil because he deceives her into thinking he is prince charming and so they are bewitched by some dark magic and they gave their blood for the compact agreement that will seal their written contract with the devil. She’s tied to him and her soul is already chained in the prison gates of hell, because she sold her soul to the devil. I’m telling you, this is not a freakin’ fairytale because it truly exists, and I testify because I am Anna and I have been truly bewitched by one of them because they know I am a Shulamite too. Elsa’s become the dark knights and Ursula’s because they are fighting for the dark side because they are true blooded warriors, only they are in the dark but if only they can cross over – come to JESUS at the cross – switch sides, they become Warriors of Light and believe me, they are the toughest Soldiers in this Battle because they live for these things! They had been using their powers influenced by the devil for the longest time, far longer than Anna’s because their gifts are so strong it consumes them alive.
Shulamites are nothing without a KING inside!

But Elsa’s and Anna’s are nothing without a King, because they learn how to operate in their powers thru HIM. Elsa’s and Anna’s are the red riding hoods fighting against big black wolves, the superheroes of today, Prophets and Soldiers in the Bible, but they are mere kittens and they go run away all the time because the devil the mouse plays and rules the playground. For a kitten can only be a grown cat and be able to eat mice, when they fall in love with the True King of the Jungle, the LION KING and let HIM rule their heart.
So that’s how I understand the stories and I relate the movies to what I read in the Bible because after all the KING is also a LION – the Beast of the Jungle and HE rules and roars from the Pride Rock Zion. Am I silly to think like this? Yes! But did I get the Bible right??? Or maybe I’m just crazy and silly. You decide.
But I’d like to tell you something very important, when I was in this Europe Trip, I totally didn’t know what was going to happen to me. I thought it was going to be one of those Relax Chilling Vacations like I used to have with my Family. But I am GOD’s servant and so HE puts me to work. Ok I want to write my experience regarding fasting, not to boast but for me to share this important tool of being a Warrior. Before I flew to Europe, my spiritual father (and if you are a warrior he is yours too), Artemio Pacle, called me to a 2 month fast starting May 1 to July 1. When Commander-in-Chief JESUS tells you to fast you need to obey because you are submitted to his authority and covering. But this fast was an easy one for me because it was like the Muslim Ramadan, except we are not allowed to eat at 6pm to 6am. Easy! I had done a complete 3 day fast already, that was my first test of being initiated as a warrior. Yes there will be an initiation because Fighting this kind of war is not a joke, believe me! The devil knows if you are still keeping secrets about yourself, because he can see through the windows of your door and will enter there if you are not dead with your natural self. Anyway, I was a little unsure of this fast because of the time difference between Europe and Philippines so I asked him what time I should be fasting and he, like any merciful father said, ok just fast according to Europe time, so that it will be easier for me. But when I arrived in Europe, I found myself skipping dinner because my family are always eating late usually at 8pm. So no dinner okay, still good. Then after Italy, GOD specifically instructed me to only eat once a day and this was during our trip to Switzerland. While I was there, the Jubilee in Jerusalem began and GOD woke me up early that very Jubilee morning and put President Duterte in my heat, mind and said “Pray for your President” so I wrote it because HE wanted me to write and publish it. It was already the time when the Moros were rebelling in Mindanao. Then my spirit, just wanted to wear the veil during that time and I couldn’t understand why, then after putting on the Veil, my spirit was stirred up inside to cast out some demons from our beloved country and prophecy for the Philippines. The next day, I began to realize that it was already the Ramadan. For years, I have been longing to pray and fast exactly as the Muslims during this time because I told you in my Note how much GOD cares for them and love them. But during this time of prayer, GOD also told me to wear clothing as the Muslims do so I just obeyed. Not knowing any purpose or reason for His command. But when I obeyed, GOD stirred me to write letters of my Testimony, and so I just let HIM write through me. Little did I know after writing the 3rd Chapter that the next thing HE wanted was to do was save some of GOD’s people oppressed and under Captive by the devil. I never knew all this until I started writing and just letting GOD write through me. Then everyday He reveals things through me that HE is sending me to fight these spiritual battles back in the Philippines. I didn’t know what was happening to me, I just started writing posts about rules of war because I was learning everyday what HE taught me and I post it because HE said there are warriors in my facebook that HE is drawing and calling out to fight these battles with me. So, I don’t know who you all are, I know some warriors but not all. And I want to say that “the battle belongs to GOD it is not ours but it is the LORD.” We are called to fight because HE will not do anything on earth without using Humans who are obeying HIS word. HE has a promise since 2001 and I believe this Promise, I never stopped believing because I know that this GOD that I worship is alive and working in all things and in everything. I was spiritually dead for some time because my time had not yet come. But GOD’s word had proven itself to be alive again. I didn’t know what I was posting, my spirit just compelled me to post coz I hear those words and it resonates within me, it keeps coming back to my mind. The hardest thing I had ever had to write was Chapter 3 of my Testimony because it was just so heavy, so many was against me. But I was already floating on earth while I walked the streets of Germany, because I was only eating once a day and still could play badminton, dance and swim and do some yoga with my strong Lola Rebecca. I was amazed at what fasting did to me because in the physical realm it seemed so impossible and I was never sick, not once during the trip.
My spiritual father Pastor Artemio had taught me many things in this walk of faith. GOD had already spoken to me about this Shepherd whom HE refers to as an Angel that will walk before me since 2011 and I was in the states at that time. I had met him since 2014 because of the Yolanda that hit our country. I still didn’t know it was him at that time. Only on February 2017 did GOD reveal this man was him. So I took cover over his leadership and he gladly accepted me. He is a person that taught me what it was to be joyful and childlike all the time. I never know of any man such as him. And I know I’m not supposed to brag but I really need to let you know my warriors, that this man’s faith is super duper strong, he had been fasting for some time and then GOD called him to fast for 50 days! And I was so in shock and I was drawn to his spiritual experiences because of the fast. So one day I was going through some confusion in my life I longed to fast with Pa Artemio because I was seeking answers from GOD. (That will be the next story of my Chapter but I can’t write that today) and little did I know that the fast was already the initiation for being a warrior. You never know things when you walk in the flesh until you decide to jump into the water and dive! Your spiritual eyes then begin to open and you see so many things. Right now as I write to you, I am not fasting. I hope you see the difference between me writing without a fast and me writing as I fast. Without a fast my letters are more me, than when I am fasting. And you know, GOD instructed me not to read my letters for now because HE wants me to focus on what I need to do and not talk to too many people. I just obey because this is a task of a follower. HE will explain everything when you obey. Anyway, in the airplane, GOD tells me to “watch the Resident Evil and I’m like, “are you sure???” HE says, “You need to be as tough as a Lion, get used to these things!” “Sir yes sir!” I said to HIM. But honestly inside I am still a child and I just depend on HIM for my Victory because HE never fails to provide the Victory for me. If HE has called you, I want you to know that when you step up in faith and take the calling, you will be seeing miracles all your life! Of course this job is not for everybody. It’s only for those who have the Supernatural powers, who are weird and misunderstood, if you’re one like me, then come join the camp we gladly welcome you! Lastly I want to dedicate this Note to my Mother, she’s the toughest fighter I know. I want us to put in our hearts the very thing she taught me, these are words I will live by as a
To walk in love - LOVE no matter what, without love we already loose
To never be offended - we are human, we get hurt but when we are a wounded Soldier, we take it to the LORD
To declare your faith - never give up praying and declaring what you want to happen for that person until you see it in the flesh!
I’ve heard her fight with the devil and cast them out of our home and she’s one toughie! I remember when I was with Antonio, he would always be angry at her and they never even talk. He says to me “I hate your mother, I make her cry blood!” What’s going on with the devil inside him that made him say that?? Because my mother had fought hard for me with tears and I’m sure she knelt on the floor when she cried for me because Antonio had not harmed my body but he did oppress my spirit and soul greatly. The reason for me being held captive by the enemy, GOD says is because of my open doorway to the devil. In my case it was unforgiveness and bitterness… basically we call that a Sin against GOD which are many including Pride, Bitterness, Anger, Unforgiveness, Contempt, dishonoring parents and all those written in the 10 Commandments. I was vindictive, I wanted to redeem myself from all the pain I went through in life. But Vindication is never ours, it belongs to GOD Romans 12:19 and Deuteronomy 32:35, Hebrews 10:30 But GOD also calls us to trust HIM with every bit of pain HE allows us to go through because there is always a reason and a purpose and these we cannot understand right away but if you belong to GOD just trust because it will all make sense someday. I never understood at that time, why GOD allowed me to go through that pain not until today, everything makes sense and you feel like a conqueror because you understand that you are nothing but GOD calls you to such great things, so you are truly are something because of HIM. GOD has called my mother to fight for me and my siblings. Because the devil, that’s always his task: To steal kill and destroy. John 10:10 Jesus said “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. So we need to remember this all the time. “ So every woman is born a fighter, because they have to fight for their family and the lives of others too. It has been recorded in the book of Genesis, the curse of the devil – the serpent and every woman on earth which are the daughters of Eve.
Genesis 3:14 15 And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring[a] and hers;
he will crush[b] your head,
and you will strike his heel.”

So hey! If you are a woman, don’t be surprised at the battles that come your way. I want us to learn from my mother. She was called to protect her home and she did it successfully because she was faithful to the Lord GOD Almighty! GOD had shown me something about her and I want to share it with all of you:
Mommy Mymie Yu GOD said this about you “Your rewards in Heaven are full for you have fought so hard to serve GOD’s purpose in the Kingdom life on earth. For like Jacob you wrestled with the Lord GOD Almighty and you won because GOD has given you what you fought so hard for. The Lord showed me a picture of you in a frame with your name. For you are not an ordinary warrior, your name is listed up in the General’s List of Warriors. No! you are not an ordinary Warrior Fighting Battles in the Lord’s Name! Yes I see your picture with your name in a frame and there they lifted your picture in the Hero’s Hall of Fame. For you are my HERO Mom! Yes you are! And yes you have proven to me that indeed GOD’s word is strong and true because HE said we are more than conquerors! A Victorious conqueror, Mommy that’s how I see you!”
Oh my GOD I’m crying as I write this because I really am so touched by what GOD is saying through me and I am so grateful to have such a strong woman as a mother like her. I’m such a cry baby, but it’s okay it’s not a sin, GOD’s just laughing at me because “I am so cute for being such a cry baby!” and I know HE loves me so much! You know, Warriors, we really have to be filled with HIS love because without love we cannot win battles, “we need faith, hope, and love but the greatest is love” HE says. Okay I give you an example: My dog Cobe is so very much loved by me, I am so in love with that dog because I see him and I just adore him so much. And because he knows he is loved, he is such a fighter and protects the family and home that he loves, he is always trying to protect me! Even the people that come into my house, he sniffs like he is a Guardian German Shepherd and inspects them if they are good people or with evil intentions to harm me and my family.

That’s my Cobe! I am so glad the brother of Gai Ho, my bestfriend gave him to me – Thank you Woo Uy Woo Casas Flients!!! So anyway without further more things to say, that’s all for now. Thank you for praying for me Warriors, I need all your love and prayers and support because the task GOD has given me is not an ordinary task. HE wants to avenge all HIS enemies in our country and that means we need to drive these demons and monsters and wolves out of the Land of our birth just as Israel fought and drove out the people that were inhabiting that promised land for them. Of course today, we don’t kill people we love them! We kill spirits and send them to the Abyss because they need to go where they belong! They don’t belong here, but to hell! Reference to this site: based on Revelations 9, what do you think Warriors? We are already at the last days!
You know, I am really such a coward but I say this because GOD has commanded me to raise an Army that will fight these battles with HIM. “Me?????? Are you sure?! I am afraid of cockroaches and you want me to slay demons?” And then he says, “You were already trained for that! Now get to work!” and I hop on right it “Sir yes Sir!” never argue with the Commander YESHUA! and of course I could never do things on my own that’s why I fast because something very different happens to me when I fast… I am not me anymore, I become Yiska the Princess Warrior Bride
