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Princess War Diaries 16

A written account of 10 Nissan/Aviv 5781

1st Watch - I showed my Sister Shobe (younger sister in chinese coz that's what we call her in the house) the First Healing Miracle GOD did when we prayed for a boy dying of HIV on 2020. But how the LORD healed him was something I did not expect to happen because I heard the LION roaring and it was just unbelievably amazing. I wanted to show that video to my brother and sister in law so I sent it to them, but because of a trauma that they had in the past regarding Lions roaring, they couldn't see GOD at work there, all they see is the false prophet and the weird things happening. They also have become conformed to the church mindset and it's being rigid, religious, but it's not their fault because that's how we thought should be. But I pray that ADONAI will remove the fears and blinders from their eyes. I don't want them to miss anything from GOD Almighty!

2nd Watch - Communion with Family sharing with my Sister what I'm going through the past year with how HE healed the boy with HIV with the KING LION roaring! .

3rd Watch - Posting about spiritual blindness due to bad past experiences or biases.Then I danced and danced... for the KING, I was having a hard time to keep myself awake because there are spiritual forces trying to shut down my eyes. But I continued dancing...

4th Watch - It was this time that I saw the KING LION dance through me again, I felt so fierce and like it's not me. But I really enjoyed being used by ABBA ELOHIM! Right now I have a headache after giving the enemies of GOD the bomb. But this headache has long began while I was till at the house the KING orders me to ask prayers from my allies and so I asked my sister Grace to pray for me. After the Bomb, I understood that GOD's move was to move was to seek the heart of the unchurched people. I know a lot of them are my batchmates in school. So the RUACH just continue to speak HIS messages of love to them. HE knows them all and HE is chasing after them, HE is loving and romantic. I am so excited for what HE is going to do and for the broken lives I will see made whole. I'm excited to see HIS miracles once again! I want to cry and celebrate how good HE is because HE is very good. It's just that some people have been scarred by the pain that others have caused them that's why they can't really see the goodness of GOD everywhere.

5th Watch - I was still sending messages until 6.30AM. Then I let Cobe out to poop and he did it fast.Right after, Dad told me to sleep. I'm so glad he understood why I'm being absent from Breakfast. I went to bed and I was just so excited in my Spirit, I fell asleep right away at 7AM and woke up after 2 hours plus. Right now as I write, Michael W Smith sings to me, I know someone is out there in the Night standing by with me. Watching and Praying.

6th Watch - I wake up 9.45AM and couldn't help but do more postings because I hear in the SPIRIT HIS messages for all HIS beloved sons and daughters all over the world, not just in my facebook scroll.

7th Watch - We went to the bank and at least it was only 1 bank that Shobe and I had to go...after we came home to some nice pampering coz Mother Queen sent for the parlor home service. I had the hot oil on my hair and some very nice massage, I actually fell asleep as she massaged my head. I felt so thankful for it I really needed that pampering. HE is so good and sweet! Most of all HE fills me with what I need most, HIS unconditional amazing, wonderful, deep, deep love. I took a bath fight after and fell asleep on the Tabernacle abode. My total sleep that day totaled 4.5 hours.

8th Watch - I woke up at 5pm ready to take my one day meal. I ate the beef, rice, eggs and water Spinach that I miss so much. I'm so thankful for our cook coz she really cooks the best food. Then suddenly after dinner, just when I thought it was gonna be another fight night in Lahug, my Sister asks if I'm okay to go tonight to Mactan, and I was surprised but I didn't complain because I knew we needed to go back there anyway. So I prepared everything that's needed for me to function as a Watchwoman here (coz I'm already here as I write)

Right now as I write this song plays on the pre-programmed youtube list, youtube choses for you. And I was reminded of my video with Shobe Grace when we danced to the beat of this song last year under the Shekinah Glory around us. Who would have thought that she would be the reason why I'm led to go to Lapulapu??? GOD is just so amazing in how he works. I want to show you how blessed I am to have my sister with me because she totally understands her weird eldest sister and the fun we have in the battleground. It's like this, GOD is doing a new thing, and that thing the religious or churched have a hard time understanding because it's so wild and untamed. Well isn't the KING LION just the same???

Sincerely yours,

Yiska, the Journalist

Autistic, ang batang murag correct!


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