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Princess War Diaries Entry 19

A written account of the day 13 Nissan/Aviv 5781

1st Watch - I just followed the routine ADONAI gave me which was to take a bath everytime I finish my one day meal, then drink vitamins then have coffee. ADONAI made me publish what HE made me write 4 years ago regarding worldly songs.

2nd Watch - We had family communion night on this watch. I'm just trying to recall what happened on this event by looking at my posts, and the SPIRIT led me to talk about KKK, HE is resurrecting KKK but it will be HIS Name with HIS armies.

3rd Watch - Watching and Posting Prayers and HiS Battle strategy in wars is to put Praise before us before we start on anything. It has to be HIS praise that should be done first because Praise is the Breakthrough! I am war dancing during this time to give bombs to GOD's enemies so they will not disturb me when I write as the KING's Scribe. Every night, demons always try to sow tares/weeds in people's minds so that they believe the wrong things, have false doctrines and evil images in their mind all because at night, the enemy comes and sows tares/weeds in their mind. That is it is mandatory says the KING to read HIS word each day.

This is recorded in the New Covenant of Matthew 13:24-30. 24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared... That is also the reason why HE made me Watchman of the Philippines, so I can watch over everyone and maybe I'm the only one wiling to sacrifice my sleep at night and exchange 3 times of meal per day to only once per day. It's really okay because I enjoy my fasts because supernatural things happen. But it's not because of but HIS RUACH always enabling me that is why I am wiling to do this, I know so because the SPIRIT has revealed long time ago that I will have many children just like Abraham.

4th Watch - Then I wrote the Journal Entry for the previous day like I'm doing now. It seems like the Sun is rising too fasts because just like today I find myself running after the rising sun so I can finish what the KING wants me to do every night for HIM. I also had to update the website that HE made me write the whole story of my life, because I have been writing on Journals and I need to put that in there, arranged well HE said.

5th Watch - I slept around 6plus and the whole time during this watch I just slept and woke up only on 9.30AM so I had 3 hours sleep tonight.

6th Watch - I wake up to do earthly work, lot's of earthly work. At least I didn't have to go to the bank because my sister Grace is there to already help with the business YHVH has entrusted to us. Praise YAH! For every provision HE brings in order to ensure my Victory!!!

7th Watch - Only today that I didn't go to the bank and I wasn't used to it. I liked going to the bank to get out of the familiarity of my home because every time I came back home from earthly work, I felt refreshed. So today I realized this when I didn't go out. And I kept posting things in the Spirit.

8th Watch - I fell asleep around this watch to wake up at 5PM I was so surprised I'm having longer sleeping time. But it was for me to rest because we are entering Shabbat and I totally lost track of time because it's just hard for me to keep track of earthly things because I'm mostly listening in the Spirit. When I awakened, I ate Levite food or Biblical food and took a bath, drank vitamins and coffee!

Sincerely Yours,

Yiska the Journalist, the Austistic nga murag correct!


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