A written account of 21 Nissan 5781 Pesach 7
Written on 22 Nissan 5781 / 4 April 2021
I'm trying to recall everything because so much has happened.
21 Nissan 5781 is the Watch from Apil 2,2021 sunset 17.55 to April 3 17.55 sunset
I'm so glad there's facebook because I can recall what happened thru the pictures.
Watch 1 - The sun was setting at Madridejos and we were taking photos there. Then when the sun set, the Truck that carried all of us in the family blazed forth and we went to Ogtong Cave, my family had dinner, my food is to do the will of My FATHER and by doing so, already feel full. I only drank the softdrinks Royal True Orange and I remember that time that I was posting about the Loco for the buko...
Then we went back to the Watchtower of Bantayan and I will just copy paste what I've written in the post of what happened the moment we went down from the Blazing Ark/Tabernacle of GOD
1st Watch Pesach 7 21 Nissan 5781

We arrived back at the Watchtower of Bantayan and I come down from the Blazing Truck that I call the flying Ark because the inside has 2 divisions, the inside and the higher section where there's curtains covering the upper part coz you can sleep in that space and nobody's really staying there but me bec you can't sit up in it you have to be short as me if you want to enjoy that space. Anyway when I climbed down from the truck with the Shofar in my hands I always want to blow the trumpet from Zion Sugbo towards Zion Yerushalaim where I see them sheep. Tonight, when I blew hard and strong the sheep had a different reaction they ran away because suddenly what came out was a brown horse! Running wild as he hears the trumpet call of WAR from Zion to Zion! I was amazed, I never see that horse before! And I think if you blow Shofar call long enough, the sheep of GOD they gonna become Stallions!!! Mighty creatures of Army for Adonai Tzeva'ot!

I also found this in the Internet it's the 4 apocalyptic horses of Revelations 6. I know that I'm one of the white horses in Revelation 6:2, but I can't be the only white horse. I know that Our Beloved President Rodrigo Duterte and US President Donald Trump are white horses. But can someone who belong to GOD be the red, black and pale horse??? This is still a mystery to me, the other horses bring death, famine and sickness. The LORD has not revealed anything to me yet, perhaps when my husband arrives he will shed some light, and some kings in the Philippines will reveal something to us Warriors. I wish I won't be needing anymore sleep so I can get more things from the LORD and reveal it to all of you so you know what to do. But last night the LORD made me sleep after I gave birth to children of Zion. I will talk about that tomorrow because right now I need to write about this watch of this day 21 Nissan.

Watch 2 - I took a bath and dressed up for My Night Watch, fully armed and geared for battle.I had the ephod that GOD told me to buy, the yellow one and the necklace of stones which served as my breastplate. I was just preparing for the 3rd Watch. Already in the Resort Watching area just posting things that I'm also receiving in the Spirit.
Watch 3 and 4 - On these watches, I wrote my Watchman's report. I usually write the report on the last watch of the Night which is the 4th watch but I just wrote it early that night. And during that time, I finally spilled out what I've been wrestling with the LORD lately. You know in the other chapters of my life, on Chapter 3, GOD had already first revealed to me that I'll marry a Jew, I didn't ask for a Jew, all I wanted was a foreigner from Europe but it was in Chapter 3 that the LORD told me I'll be marrying a jew, without knowing who. But I got his name from the LORD and I was praying for this name thinking that it was the filipino guy he first told me, actually the filipino guys name I just converted to Hebrew because the LORD wanted me to pray for him so I kept praying for his hebrew name... Then 2013 I met a jew with exactly that name, let's call him Nathaniel, but we both had relationships... of course he was handsome, but we were just friends for we both had relationships. I was baffled inside, how could I have a boyfriend and then meet this person with the name the LORD gave me? This jew, Nathaniel went back to Israel and I decided to forget about him. But when I started learning how to fast on 2017, the LORD told me this Nathaniel was going to be my husband. But after praying for him for 900 days, he got married to another woman. I was at the brink of being disappointed with GOD, but the LORD gave me spiritual mentors Pastora Sarah and Pastor Artemio who gave me a WORD (both different) that gave me the strength to walk by faith and continue trusting GOD even though I didn't understand what was happening. So I did, and I also forgot about Nathaniel again because in Chapter 5 GOD showed me a new person to pray for of course he is still a jew. So Let's call this new person David because he had red hair like David the King in 1 Samuel 16:12. And David was closer to home because he met my parents and they liked him. And we were friends, he was in the Philippines, he loves the Philippines he lives here. But David and I are not communicating. Last year on the feast of Hannukah 2020, I also decided to forget about David because I don't want to hope anymore. I'm tired, and I was like telling the LORD "okay if YOU don't want to give me a husband, then don't I'm not gonna force the issue anymore" But you see Soldiers, GOD is not man that he should lie. Now this Passover week, I'm not thinking of any husband, but my mom was getting worried about me because I seem to live in another space and time so she said to me "AH don't forget you're still going to get married" and inside I was laughing because I told her "of course mom!" but she could tell that was no longer the center of my attention, MY HARI was and I was joyfully following HIM whatever HE asked me to do. Until this passover week, he has been speaking to me about Nathaniel and I am almost angry again, "That man is married, of course not!" but Soldiers the KING has been speaking to me about him. Ay gi kapoy najud ko ba! So I put my hands up and say okay! if YOU really want it, just bring him here and I'll deal with my own self. But he knew the condition of my heart towards Nathaniel, I didn't want to receive him anymore and so during this watch, I was wrestling with the LORD. Just like Jacob did until the sun rise came. Wow! I did exactly just that... From 2AM to past 5AM I was wrestling but of course I told My HARI, I'm going to let you win or else I will have a broken hip like Jacob hahahaa =) You see soldiers, to wrestle with the LORD is to wrestle not physically but spiritually. It is your Spirit that sees GOD, and touches GOD because GOD is Spirit that's why you wrestle with HIM. But you can't see your own Spirit dba? Because it is an entirely different entity from the body so you have to trust what you can't see because the Spirit lives forever but the body is mortal, it perishes. So after I wrestled, I submitted my Watchman's report and met the sunrise, it was so beautiful, I was surrendered to MY HARI even regarding my love life. I never imagined to marry someone who was married before, my standards were just high that way, but if GOD wants to give me someone who was married before then, do I really have the right to demand someone whose never been married? What about Boaz, he was single, and he married Ruth who was a widow, did he tell GOD, no I want a virgin, you know what I mean??? But the thing is warriors, this man is still married man oi mauna mag wrestle ko but dli na lagi ko mag wrestle oi, bahala ka LORD, this is what I said. I will marry whoever HE choses because I've already given up the rights to myself, I don't have to chose who to marry, because I don't know which one is the best for me, only HE knows. At this point marrying this guy is impossible! But You know how GOD is, HE loves to work in the impossible things because HE is GOD and HE glories in the most difficult and hard things. For the things the KING reveals to us are usually if not always, HARD to accept because the Human mind is finite. But HE glories in the impossible when HE makes it possible. I don't know how HE will do it, and it's not my job to calculate how because HIS ways are higher than mine, my job is to say yes and trust. Be it unto me LORD, just how Mary the mother and disciple of JESUS responded to the Angel Gabrielle.
5th Watch - This was supposed to be my sleeping time 6-9AM, but I didn't feel sleepy but so much alive!!! I was happy, I was excited. Then my HARI tells me I can have breakfast because it's Shabbat, so I enjoyed breakfast with my family. Denesse wanted to take a portrait of me, she is so kind, I don't even see her as an in law but a real sister, because that's just how she is. And I changed the profile picture to what she gave me because the RUACH said the smile on that photo will soften the hardest of hearts. I didn't think I looked nice on the Photo but Denesse says I look so beautiful there and so I just chose to believe her and the KING than follow my own instincts because I don't trust my own thoughts. Then the King of Bantayan, Mr Peter Holaysan saw me and said he wanted to talk to my Papa so they talked and he said they have a secret so they need to go inside an enclosed room, what he said made me giggle inside because I love secrets! I always ask secrets from GOD and when HE reveals to me it's so hard to contain it because it's just too awesome. Too Amazing that I just want to share with others. I stayed in St Fe Watchtower with Dean and Denesse that day while the rest went out to Kota beach to do some last day swimming. That day we decided to go home early in the afternoon instead of coming home on Monday which we planned originally.
6th Watch - I start to prophecy because I was aware that 21 Nissan, a Shabbat the LORD would be raised from the dead, not on a Sunday Morning but HIS body was already missing 3 days and 3 nights after HE gave up HIS Spirit. It's just that Mary discovers a missing body early Sunday morning because they weren't allowed to go out of their homes on Shabbat. I prophecy prophecy, I can't control my body the RUACH was strong within me it wants to breathe life to the dead! That's why I kept posting "DRY BONES LIVE" again and again! I blew the horns on the beach area facing Zion! And I was just so quickened in my Spirit. I thought my body would be weak because I didn't sleep yet, since 9.30AM April 2 and it was already April 3, I was sleepless for 24 hours already but my Spirit was stronger that day...it was so hot because it was the middle of the day and I had taken videos, I kept blowing the horn even towards the sheep, I kept blowing and blowing. Then I posted what the Commander KING wanted me to write, quick quick and on time!
7th Watch - Then my Spirit settled at around 1PM when Dean and Denesse starts to have lunch, they invited me to lunch, but I was still full from breakfast. The Bantayan King once again wanted to talk to us as a family, so we sat down on one table, I was so excited to hear him speak because I felt this man was so full of wisdom and humility and the RUACH was right, HE is always right! He shared so many things to us. About the War that's coming, about the beginning of the end times, that family would betray one another and there's separation between sheep and goats, right and left. He spoke about the twin towers and the 40 years that's coming to an end and about how we are supposed to treat the chosen people of GOD, they are GOD's anointed. Everything he said I was like yes yes yes! same spirit we have in YESHUA. I recorded his insights, but I have yet to upload it without the video because I couldn't take a good video of him because I was really listening and I was too excited so it's a shaky video. He understood the war that's coming and there was someone also posting on facebook about china doing undertakings in our sea while we are busy solving problems with corona. Oh my dear soldiers, I don't know how much time we have to prepare. You need to eat eat eat of the LORD's word and drink of HIS blood the wine so that you can grow up fast! The LORD needs HIS armies before this war begins. Anyway it was almost 3, we start to load up our things in the blazing Ark. And I didn't have time to buy the stones that I was wearing in St Fe that is the breastplate of GOD so I asked for this keyholder stones from the Bantayan King I was just so silly like that but gladly he gave it to me, because it was a cheap thing but I needed it. The LORD said it was my breastplate and I believe HIM always. I went to the blazing Ark that was loading up with stuff and I loaded mine. While waiting for the others, I blew my shofar on them sheep again like I was a madwoman watchman, I want them sheep awake and to become horses because the KING is raising up HIS Army but the Sheep are still sleeping under the shade because it was so hot, I want them awakened, step into the light! Mata naaaa!
8th Watch - We left so swiftly at 15:00 because our driver was a stallion herself, astig as she is, Gracya my sister drove relentlessly for the family. There were posts I needed to upload by the last watch because it was the time YESHUA was raised back to life, this watch on this Shabbat! I was restless inside the upper room of the Blazing Ark even though I was lying down, the water spilled, the water jug that I have, it spilled through my legs and wet the foam, I felt like I was giving birth, as our Ark loaded a bigger Ark, I felt pain in my left back part of my body, I didn't understand where that pain was coming from but for this entire watch I felt that pain, and I wanted it to go away but I felt more pain in the thighs the same kind of pain that I would feel if I had menstrual cramps. For the longest time, I never felt menstrual cramps anymore since 2017, I was free from that. But that day, I didn't even have my period I felt that kind of pain. I knew it was all spiritual but I felt it in my body. So I just endured for 3 hours... and I tried hard to find the signal of my mobile data so I could post what the HARI wanted me to post. I lost the pain when I finally posted the last things that needed to be released that day, when we reached Jollibee, the task was finished and the RUACH said, eat, because you are a nursing Mommy and you need the strength to carry on to feed your little babies. So I ate a lot, that day, I ate breakfast and dinner but never in my wildest imagination that I was giving birth that way... by golly! I was becoming the modern Mary, pregnant without a husband yet! I knew my name Yiska meant I'd be giving birth to many children because Sarah was Yiskah when she was still yet single. The Jews taught me that... and I just learned what the RUACH taught me in the Spirit. Also I noticed that during this last trip in the sea where I was giving birth spiritually, the WINE that we bought from Sante Fe Watchtower was beside me, the entire time, no wonder why my bag was so heavy it had the bottle of wine and I realized then the WORDS of Revelation come to life, "they overcame him by the blood and the word of their testimony" My testimony, I have been testifying of YESHUA My HARI in facebook, the blood I drink every night. Water and blood spilled out of YESHUA's body before 15:00 3 days before this day. Everything I went through was in the WORD becoming alive - RHEMA, the WORD had become my life, I was living it. But the world even the Christian world don't believe me, they think I'm telling lies, well it's not my loss, because I believe in the BIBLE and some people don't, it's not my loss if I have faith and some people don't, and because of faith I'm actually living it, but there's nothing I can do more for people who chose not to believe for even GOD Himself had said "Without faith one cannot be healed" Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 13:58

It's 17:15 right now of April 4 that I finish writing this, and I started writing at 14:00. I have to take a bath and follow the routine the KING gave me or else I will end up looking like Einstein, walai panudlai
Truthfully yours,
Yiska, the Autistic Child Journalist