A written account of the day 22 Nissan 5781
1st Watch - We arrived at Danao Jollibee, and the RUACH had already prompted me to eat because I need to have strength to feed spiritual babies that I just gave birth to. I really felt like giving birth.The last Watch had been difficult because I felt pain on my lower left part of my back and it never went away until I finished releasing what the KING wanted to say. When we arrived, I just finished what we had to do and so I enjoyed the Jollibee chicken and Tuna Pie sandwhich during dinner. No wonder why I had to eat twice that day, I never thought I'd be giving birth to children! But it was the most amazing experience because I felt the groaning birthpangs in my body, even though I wasn't physically pregnant. After we ate we went back to the Van and I fell asleep for the rest of the ride going home.
2nd Watch - We arrived home so quick so fast, thanks to my sister who drove! She drove the whole time during that trip because my brother Dean was sick and she's more than happy to drive because she planned this trip. I was so happy to see Cobe well and happy when we arrived. Then we had our family Nightly Communion and most of us were really just so happy and content, even though our vacation was cut short because we had to go home for Dean he was still sick, but I felt it was really the right time for us to come home because it worked with the KING's timing, I had to deliver children in the middle of the sea at the last watch of 21 Nissan 5781, in a blazing ark that was driven by a swift stallion, on the hour and day that YESHUA our KING had been raised back to life on the 15:00 or 9th hour 3 days and 3 nights before this day, exactly after HE gave up HIS Spirit on a Wednesday 15:00, for GOD had said it and HE never lies.
3rd Watch - I fell asleep! I was so tired, I slept at the Tabernacle Castle where I usually watch over Sugbo and our Nation. Yes, I fell asleep without any sleep paralysis because I think it has a lot to do with the Ephod and the stones on my breast hanging as a necklace. I really loved the Ephod the LORD gave me to wear and the Breastplate stones that HE has improvised into a Necklace. For YESHUA our KING, HE is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. But HE always wants to make Himself relatable to certain group of people, and tribe. Commander KING didn't tell me to make exact items that the Priest wore in the old Testament, but HE said HE is giving us armors that's connected to our culture and heritage and this was it! I really loved it!
The Armor of GOD for Israel
The Armor of GOD for Filipina, I can't teach about men's garments, my husband will teach that:
The HeadCovering:
The concept of the head covering is simple, just double up. You need to have a crown like band and the Turban which covers the entire head.
Right side: The headwrap over the Veil is also cool
Above: The Cap under the Prayer Shawl
Head Coverings are simply - the double up, make sure there's 2 things on your head, one that covers the head and one that holds that cover.
Tunic is any white outer garment that will cover our arms, or sleeves, don't be without sleeves
When dancing I like to use the Cap and headband as the double up
Necklace with Philippine stones.
The Ephod
It's like an apron outer garment but it should have bells underneath it. Did you know that this Ephod the KING ordered me to buy in Bantayan had little bells that chimes every time I walk around. I almost felt like I'm a little dog that has a bell sounding collar. But I'm so amazed that the little things I didn't know I just obey and now it's all making sense!!!! It's unbelievably amazing!
The Censor/Sword
The Word of GOD that we hold in our hands and hearts, it can also be a cellphone smart phone where you have the BIBLE
Shoes of the Gospel:
The Cellphone is a platform for you to preach through social media. Use it wisely!
4th Watch - I remember waking up before sunrise and just thankful to the LORD for allowing me sleep for the longest time at night.
5th Watch - I was posting posting posting, nonstop, the KING had given me so much arrows, it needed to be sent through.
6th Watch - I kept posting and teaching the little sheep of GOD. By the way I was still wearing the clothes I wore when I gave birth on the Shabbat because I didn't take a bath when we arrived, we were all so tired because it had been a long ride.
7th Watch - I had to stop because Mom asked me to buy food online. I bought food quickly thanks to the fast service of Dimsum Break. And I was led by the RUACH to eat lunch instead of Dinner. Dean was not feeling better, his headache was bad and so we had to take his blood pressure. Mom prayed for him fervently by rebuking the spirit of sickness. After having lunch, I decided to write on the Watchman's report for the previous day.
8th Watch - I had been writing the Watchman's report the previous day and it was so long!!! I finished at 17:15, more than 2 hours of writing. But I enjoy every minute of it. So afterwards, I decided to follow the routine the KING gave me, take a bath and feel fresh when the new day is about to begin.
Truthfully yours,
Yiska, the Autistic Child Journalist
I'd like to add a bonus for you my little warriors, I don't usually do this but I want to share to you that every time we enter the underworlds, we always start with Praise because it is our Breakthrough. Here is sample of Yadah Warrior with her War Dance Praises.
And this is for our Nation GOD's Beloved Philippines!!!
I have waited my whole life to dance to the beat of this tune for it prophecies the freedom of our Nation and the Unity of the Body of YESHUA, all nations being connected to Yisrael, the Prince of El!
Buckle up Soldiers! This is the YEAR of our Jubilee of Jubilees!!!
General Dvorah
Yadah, Dance Warrior of the KING's Amry