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Princess War Diaries Entry 30

A written account of 24 Nissan 5781

1st Watch - I couldn't do the regular routine of taking a bath during this time because the KING led me to write Part 1 of Chapter 7 of my life. I was surprised that HE already crowned me Queen since last year because HE appointed me as Watchman over the entire Philippines. I wrote it down, how I became crowned and I published it that very day that HE made me write it. But it's so hard for me to claim that Title of being a Queen unless HE marries me to a Prince, only then I AM Queen. All the other Prophets in the World who are single women like me, have already claimed their title as Queen but me I don't want to take ownership of that because it has to be done as HE has promised that HE will give me away to the Fair Prince Phillip that he has promised me since 2017. I'm not insisting that it's him because if you read my past Diary Entries, I had wrestled with GOD to accept him once again when the KING told me HE is raising Lazarus from the dead, I totally resisted it because I already left and closed that part of my life. You know if there's anything I can claim to be queen at, I'm the Queen of moving on hahahaaha because I had too much relationships that made me a toughie when it comes to breakups. Easy for me now to leave relationships that are not for me. But I have to rewire my brain once again once I marry this Prince, because if I were to marry him, I cannot move on from him anymore even if he hurts me because this is the command written in the Old and New Covenant. Once you enter into marriage, no more exits allowed. I'm very conservative this way... that's why I really waited so long for this one person that the KING has promised me and I really reserved my virginity for him, by GOD's grace because I wanted him to understand that he is a diamond in GOD's sight, very precious to GOD, HE is giving him a rare diamond such as I.

2nd Watch - We are having communion night just after I finished writing the First Part of Chapter 7 of my life. And I was happy because Prince David wanted all of us to watch the Chosen Episode 1 of Season 2 before we partake YESHUA as a family through communion. So we watched, and I actually fell asleep through half the episode because I was soooo tired. I didn't get any sleep at all during the day and I only had 3 hours sleep in the morning. And I was very busy during the 7th to 8th Watch of the day prior to this one because the KING wanted to speak to HIS beloved chosen people, Yisrael the Prince of EL, HIS firstborn! MY HARI came from Yisrael and HE is the Firstborn of all creation and so Yisrael is HIS firstborn son, while Philippines she's just the last one instead. But the word of GOD says in Matthew 20:16 "The First will be the Last and the Last will be the First" meaning in the Age of Grace: The Last (Gentiles) Will be First.

But in the very last days: The First (Gentiles), Will be Last Because HE has brought to life the dry dead bones of Lazarus HIS Firstborn Son Yisrael and HE is making them First once again!!! HALLELUJAH!!! What an amazing GOD!!! I AM SO AMAZED RIGHT NOW!!!! WOW!!!! WOW WOW!!!! OH MY GOD!!! MY GOD!!! MY GOD!!!

Ok, I was sidetracked from talking about that day because I talk again about KING YESHUA's love for Yisrael! So let me continue about me falling asleep on the Chosen. After the Episode, we were supposed to have communion, because it's what we did last year. The Chosen is considered the WORD of GOD in real live drama and after we watched we have communion. But tonight, Mom wanted to do a sermon from Pastor Jentezen, and my younger siblings, Prince David and Princess Gracya were opposing to a double word because it was getting late. They told my mom, why do you have rituals? The Chosen is already the Word but you want to keep your structure of "has to be sermon by a preacher' So basically they were complaining that she was being religious and she was offended. It wasn't the first time she heard it, because Dean complained about it to us all because he has been sick the whole time in Bantayan and she required him to join our communion even though his body needs rest. He felt her religious spirit and complained to us and I, being a honest, told her about it. She didn't mind when I told her, she didn't really react negatively but this time with my 2 siblings telling her upfront, made her really upset and she just lost it, it wasn't a good example to see and they were pointing out her attitude towards being corrected. Yes you guessed right, she does have a dyesebel spirit and I've endured this spirit so many times before. It made ADONAI bring me to Ormoc for 50 days to be under the Shelter of religious non judgmental Catholics who took me in like an orphan because this Spirit oppressed me through her and religious people just like her. This Spirit made me cry rivers of tears because it grieved the RUACH HAKODESH (Holy Spirit). This Spirit drives out all the Prophets (Elijahs) around them, that's why I always find myself running away from home. But every time I did, like Hagar, EL ROI would always come to me and say go back home. The LORD had trained me so hard using her that right now, even though she lashes at me for no good reason, just want to be hurt someone because she is hurting, I just don't react anymore. I let her hurt me because if I fight against this Spirit, I lose....I will talk about the Dyesebel spirit when the KING orders me, but I can't go ahead of HIM, always I follow orders from the KING.

3rd Watch - I fell asleep! I was so tired!!! I woke up past 2AM and started posting about the relationship between dogs and evil Spirits, my dog Girly and how the Sigbin killed her. I'll copy paste it here:

2.38AM 3rd Watch, 24 Nissan 5781

I hope the little ninjas stayed up from 12MD to 2AM, I was sooooo tired, I fell asleep at the Watching Tabernacle... I couldn't follow the routine the KING gave me because of the sudden shooting arrows HE gave me from one day to another...

#didyouknow Ever since I came home from Bantayan with the Ephod and Stones of Necklace as my breastplate, did you know that I didn't have anymore sleep paralysis even if I slept during the darkest part of the Night? I can attest to it because the day I gave birth that very night I slept the whole Night, I was so tired, and then tonight again, I slept without any demonic attack. Also Prince David says that Cobe started sleeping like this dog below, with his whole back lying completely on the floor. I have never EVER seen Cobe sleep like that because this dog is always sleeping in a position that he can easily get up and bark off evil spirits, he's such a good watchdog for me you don't even know the kind of help this dog gave me especially during my darkest days. But him sleeping like this make me truly believe that it had something to do with the breastplates and Ephod the KING recently gave me to wear. I never take it off, I wear it all the time, even if I sound like a little puppy walking around the Palace.

4th Watch - 4.01AM 4th Watch of the Night 24 Nissan 5781

I hear strange noises outside my house, cats... I said Oi! dah! They are silent na...but last year, during my Night Watching Season, I fell asleep in the Sala Area because it's already coming to sunrise but it wasn't yet it was 5am still, then I hear very very strange cat sounds, I know it wasn't a cat, I know! But Adonai gave me strength to type the REBUKE in my other Facebook Wall. I just typed it and post then the Cat was silenced! Right away!

I don't know what kind of creature it was all I know is that we have the sigbin - the evil pets that belongs to witches in our country

4.22AM 4th Watch of 24 Nissan 5781

Dear baby Warriors of the KING,

I know that the SIGBIN is true, it's not a myth or a lie because they killed my precious dog named Girly, and I was so crying so hard because she was so precious to me. The Devil knew where to target my heart, always he target the place where I am the softest and pierce his sword to me by taking the life of my pet Girly...because I went to his territory the night before, in the Condominium of my friend who asked me to do Bible Study there because she said that the condominium - it is haunted. We did our bible study but it was strange because we were suddenly rebuking evil spirits instead of doing bible study and we prayed until they left the area, but the next morning they killed my precious girly and it was a very supernatural experience because Girly was inside the very hard steel cage but the SIGBIN bent the steel so that her head was outside of the small opening and her tongue dripping with blood. I knew exactly that the devil had retaliated against me because I didn't send those evil spirits to Abyss, during that time, I didn't know how to do it properly and I was uncovered, no communion, no head covering, nothing! So they were able to hurt me because I was not armed yet it was somewhere 2011 or 2012. On this picture Girly was still a puppy.

It was our helper who practiced witchcraft before that told me that a sigbin killed my dog. She said, she knew it was a sigbin because the wound in her neck was only like two small needles but she said, inside they suck the life of the animal until it dies... because inside they really make a big wound but on the outside it is very small. I still feel pain in my heart, talking about it because I really love my dogs... everytime a dog dies, I cry... I always cry... and at that time I was the cause of her death just because I was not armed yet...

That's why I am vindictive today, Revenge has come upon all GOD's enemies today, Revenge!!! Revenge is MINE says the LORD and HE has given me the KEYS to death and hades! That's why we need to go to the Underworld Warriors because there are people living on earth but their souls are chained in the pits of hell, the Commander KING wants to save them, HE wants to release them from being a captive, They are captives just like Antonio and Maria... YESHUA wants to save them... Soldiers I know you're still babies, but I need to tell you about these things because if you say you don't believe in these things, then you are still sleeping!!! I am only speaking to the awakened babies of GOD, new borns!!!!

Then I start to encourage everyone in Facebook to Count the Omer but I couldn't explain it becuse I'm not jewish, I tried to break it down but sunrise came and I couldn't figure it out, so I just told them to count.

5th Watch - I slept from 6.50 until almost 11AM this morning, but I had a dream that I revealed later in the 7th Watch of this day.

6th Watch - I did some earthly work before started to post at the Tabernacle...

7th Watch - I posted about my dream:

12:10 7th Watch 24 Nissan 5781 Oh my dear Prince Philip, I dreamed of you this morning you were a brown horse but you come to me because another man also want to come to me but because you got to me first he didn't come anymore but he said to me very firmly that if you didn't come for sure he will come to claim me. But I don't like him, fair Prince because he is not a horse but man! And I don't need a man because I am a dog like you but a stallion at night too. Don't worry if you're still a brown horse! I can make you white as snow but you have to believe because it is your faith that makes it possible! #petsofthekings Look at you fair Prince! You are also HIS cutie Patotie! I can't wait to lick you Disclaimer: Prince Philip is not Filipino, don't be misled.

After this post I kept posting everything I receive from the KING

8th Watch - Posting on Facebook Wall 16:47 8th Watch 5781 #autistic #monologues

Pharisee: And they said to Him, “By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority to do these things?”

Yiska: From the Author and Giver of Life, yes I have been authorized not by Man but by GOD Himself, Sorry if I hurt your dyesebels but I'm no apologetic like Zacharias the false Ravi, I AM the Akazukin Yiska, slayer of false Ravi's like him.

16:55 8 Watch 24 Nissan 5781

So don't you ever let me catch you living a double life or fakin it because when MY HARI says strike you will get a taste of the slicin' like John the Baptist beheading!!! If John who was a major prophet got the slicin' what makes you think you and I are any better than him?!?

Don't you know that if I hold back my strikes I can lose my crown just like King Saul did because he was a people pleasing addict not making My HARI happy that's why Saul was fired from being the HARI of Israel so it's A do or die for me! It's either let the KING save your soul from hell or burn it because I held back my Sword here on earth. I told you no mercy on GOD'S enemies but you want to hold on to your dyesebels that's why I need to cut them to pieces before they take you to the grave and your soul to the gates of Hades!!! #thewhy And so I write My Watchman's Report for the day before and it was already late because I've been having so many orders by My HARI so I always put the orders of MY KING first before the routine. And so I submitted the Report after the sunset already and it's another day which I will write about tomorrow

Sincerely Yours,

Yiska, the Autistic Child Journalist


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