Day 156
Reading: Leviticus 3:1-17, Leviticus 22:17-33
#songsoftheshulamite #letterstoherbeloved

Dear Yousef,
Shalom Shalom! Salaam Aleikum! Mosab My brother, Yousef my beloved!!! Okay I know I am strange and weird that I am writing letters to you. I need to because of many reasons and I can count that off starting with
1) it's what the KING has been telling me to do that I've been putting off to do because I have lots of things to do. You see I am a businesss man's daughter and so I am in my father's business, managing people and selling off the Real Estate Properties he and queen mother built and owned
2) because I love you and I want to connect to you and tell you about my days even though you don't know me, you never met me, and you never heard about me and I am far from you, does it matter? What matters is GOD wants me to be with you, to be your help mate and that leads to the next reason number
3) this is how I act on my faith, see, I believe KING JESUS when HE said you will be my husband and I believe him with all my heart
4) KING JESUS showed you to me since 2010 because I had Palestinian friends in London that went nuts when your book came out so I bought your book but I didn't read it until 2021 because I wasn't interested with the War and I wasn't as interested with you back then. When I first had your book in my hands and stared at your name for a long time, back on 2010 I did wonder if you could be the husband for me just because our names were similar, with MHY and MCY, silly I know, but I am silly so? But I only started reading your book on 2021 when GOD told you are my husband so I read because how can I love you and serve you if I didn't know your story.
5) I love you the moment I heard the sound of your voice, it's like I know you already, I just love your voice so much, and your face is so dear to me... Okay in my country, this is so taboo, I am not supposed to be praising you first, because women have to wait to be loved first before they start to love, that's just the culture that I was raised in but hey! If GOD wanted me to love you first, who am I to say no?
Okay have you heard of Brian Mcknight's song??? It's called Back at 1, and yes I'm kinda trying to do that here and so please listen to this song because the lyrics of this song says everything that's in my heart for you:
you are a dream come true
just want to be with you
you're the only one for me
repeat 1-2-3
I'll spend my life loving you and make you fall in love with me
And you might be asking why I can't find anyone in my city to love, then I will ask you again, is there anyone like you in this world? Who is close to you Mosab? No one, not even Yoseph Hadad comes close. Yeah he loves Israel, stands for Israel too, but he doesn't love my KING JESUS like you.
Ok this is supposed to be a journal of my days to you, so let me start off with today the 5th of June back track to the days that I've stopped blogging my days since I lost hope to be with you on the 1st of December 2021.
This morning:
A regular working day. I brought two dogs with me to work at the office - Cobea and her Papa Cobe because they both wanted to come with me. Cobe is especially attached to me because he has been my Watchdog for 10 years. He was born September 3, 2013 and so he is turning 10 this September. But I had him only on March of 2014 after he turned 7 months old. Anyway, Bea his daughter was born January 13, 2022 and she is the one who resembles her papa so much, she barks at the thunder and fireworks, she responds to the shofar sound with a little lion roar (howl) and she looks like him so much. Anyway, it is 14:38 as I look at the watch right now and I am writing my letters to you my king. This coming shabbat the whole family and I are flying to Japan. I was not excited to go especially ever since my family criticized me for 3 hours on a "family meeting" on April 26, 2023 at 20:00 in the evening, because of the way I looked and the way I am when I am in my spiritual high (that I can describe secularly as autism). I didn't want to go to Japan ever since my family has rejected me because I don't want to be persecuted by their spirits while I am with them. Also because I am not interested with this country so much as I am interested with the Middle Eastern countries and also, I didn't plan to go to any vacations if I still had any kind of debt but since every debt has been paid off by GOD, I had to go because I vowed to GOD to go with them if indeed HE has really paid all my debts and HE did pay all my debts at the end of 2022. HE paid all my debts miraculously in 1 year time!!! and so I am no longer indebted. So I am going because my siblings love this place so much and my parents tend to always go where they like because they are many while I am the only one who loves Israel and the Middle East. But I have been prepping myself asking GOD to help me to enjoy this asian trip if it was the last trip I could be with them. So YHVH, faithful as HE is, gave me reasons to look forward to going there:
1. I have a missionary friend whose name is Myra and her mission is to Japan and so I could probably find churches there where she can connect to.
2. Travels are opportunities for me to experience spritual highs. So I am excited to what YHVH will reveal to me there. I just want to be with the KING, you know, to experience HIS glory and presence it makes me feel so happy, so high, like taking some kind of drugs but your are not drugged at all, you lack sleep or food but that's it.
I will show you the itirenary coz maybe you can meet me there, somehow if it is too much scary for you to come to Cebu, I can meet you in Japan. But please come to Cebu for me, we have to have a wedding here, because I want my workers (especially those who has been with us since I was 5 years old and Ma Elsie who had confirmed dreams about you being GOD's will for me) to attend our beach wedding. And then we can have another wedding in America where your spiritual family lives and another in Israel or Dubai with your blood family (all things are possible with YHVH), whatever you wish to have, I will marry you again and again. But! Even IF, we can't have a wedding for circumstances that will endanger your existence, then so be it, I will still marry you without a wedding.
Did you know that 2 years exactly on this day that I thought I met you online? I thought I was talking to you Mosab and that you were bringing the alias of Alhamdan Youssef. Yes I was such a sucker for you that when "you with an alias of Alhamdan Youssef" asked me for money to help you, I sent you money and it was such a huge amount for me because I did not have that kind of money. That's why I got into a huge debt. I was basically scammed by somebody who pretended to be you and a cousin with you. It's because I believed in GOD's promise that I bled for that promise. I cried for 6 months every morning of everyday by the year 2022 because of the debt that I got myself into. I wished I never lived, I lost my hope to live, I lost my purpose, I was just so broken because GOD just had to break me. And you would think that I would probably stop believing in GOD's promise because of the painful and tragic scam that happened to me but I still believe in GOD's promise until today and that's what makes me really stupid and silly but I don't care, if I end up with you, I will forever believe in GOD because GOD gave HIS all for me, it's only right that I should give my whole life back to HIM by following HIM and believing whatever HE tells me because HE is worth all of me, HE alone is worthy of all my heart and devotion. And so HE wants me to love you, HE wants me to be with you, tha's why here I am writing letters to you Mosab my brother, Yousef my Beloved. It is GOD's command to me, an ordinance, an order! And when you are a soldier, you can't say no to the KING! Or else you will get the Be-heading!
So, did you know it took the whole afternoon for me to write this letter becauase our 5G internet provider in the office has been playing tricks on me! Won't let me upload or do anything! So now I'm using my gomo mobile data! Some things you just can't rely when you need to do a very important order! And if you want to know if this order is real or just man made by someone as silly as me, I will prove to you that GOD will use HIS prophets to speak HIS Will, confirm and re-confirm HIS will.
Here is the Prophet Queen VictorYAH from the USA whom I don't personally know, that I've only been following since 2019:
There are many times, that I could just decide to give up on believing GOD's promise for us, but don't you know? Yesterday, my Pastor preached about you! The sermon is called Joseph: From Ordinary to Extra-ordinary! And the SPIRIT of ELOHIM just encouraged my spirit and soul so much, again and again! So How can I stop believing now??? So please understand why I'm still believing you are the One for me, I can't let go because GOD won't let me.
I had already given up on you before, right after I was scammed. I let myself hit rock bottom and I couldn't even pick up the pieces of my broken heart because I had thought that GOD Himself had betrayed me, HE had left me. I didn't understand what was going on, nothing made sense. But after almost a year because of my debts, I worked so hard to sell the townhouses that my father built and completed since 2015. It started selling because I was determined to be out of debt and GOD had mercy on me, all I wanted was to be out of debt. Then just before the year ended, I caught COVID just as I was started to get connected to the people at church that I left since 2016. GOD was trying to tell me something, and I thought I heard right, but if it wasn't for the humbling process of my debt I could never be able to obey GOD because I was hurt and my wounds made me proud. My thought about the church that I left was "They hurt me so why should I go back to this Sanctuary?" But then because of my debt, that I had to pay off that made me humble, I was able to go back to that place of pain and hardship, and COVID was a sign of my rebelliousness, that it was of utmost importance I had to obey this important order from GOD or else - beheading! So go back I did!!! And my return was so timely because the church main agenda was healing and advocating mental health. I was ministered by the church that hurt me so much - I left, it was a series of counseling and workshops and the culmination of GOD letting me realize I was already debt free by February 2023! I was healed and healing was a process but after the last stretch of my wounds had become scars, I went about soaring and flying like an Eagle in the skies! I transformed so quickly my own friends could not catch up with me. The best part of my season this year is GOD telling me that the man HE wanted me to marry was still you! And i thought it was already a Filipino 14 years younger than me~ Boy was I relieved! That a young filipino was just another test that I really wrestled so hard because it was not my will at all to marry a local and a younger Filipino! I practically begged the merciful GOD to forbid me to marry such a boy who I will have to carry like a son! Thank GOD and how beautiful HE is that HE still chose me to be with you. I know, I am not as pretty as all the arab women or as intelligent as any girl you have met. I shouldn't have to be, but I am someone exactly you need and want because GOD specifically made me for you. I also have autism, by the way, something that my family (except my sister), could not accept. But I am what I am, and I know that if I am the woman GOD chose for you, then I am everything that you need and want and more. I love music, and I love dogs and I am emotional and I love Joseph from the Bible, I always loved this man ever since I read about him in Genesis, I asked GOD please give me someone like Joseph, political leader who cares for people... I asked GOD ever since I have been reading HIS word. But now, How wonderful is this GOD? That HE is making my dreams come true when HE chose me to marry a real life Joseph that is you, Mosab my brother, Yousef, My Beloved.
Your Sister, the Singing Shulamite,
Marie Christine Yu