22 Tammuz 5983 / 11 July 2023
Day 192 Readings
Bible Study Together:
Numbers 29:32-30:16 - The Law regarding women making vows
Galatians 3:15-4:7 - Intent of the Law is to fulfill GOD's Promise
365 Daily Kingdom Living:
1 Chronicles 11- David the King and his mighty men of War
1 Chronicles 12 - David's supporters who helped him at war, Gadites valiant mighty men whose faces were like the faces of Lions, swift as Gazelles, those who became captains of his army
22 For day by day men came to David to help him, until there was a great army like the army of God.
Acts 28 - Paul sailing the seas from Malta to Rome and the Prophecy of Isaiah about the Jews being blinded
Psalm 9:1-12
3 When my enemies turn back, They shall fall and perish at Your presence.
4 For You have maintained my right and my cause; You sat on the throne judging in righteousness.
5 You have rebuked the [b]nations, You have destroyed the wicked;
You have blotted out their name forever and ever.
Proverbs 19:1-3
2 Also it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, And he sins who hastens with his feet.

Dear AVI,
HOLY is YOUR Name HaShem Elohim King of the Universe!!! Great and Almighty One who rules the Heavens and the Earth! I cling to YOU O GOD, my GOD!!! I praise YOU for YOUR daily guidance to me. I praise YOU I worship YOU for I am seeing YOUR hand at work to redeem and bring justice to my long past case when YOU first revealed YOUR Will for me. Toda Raba that today Mom is now talking with Pastor Timmy, and that YOU will set things right in her heart that she will surrender to YOUR will O GOD regarding letting go of her children me and David. I pray AVI that YOUR Grace will sustain me as I continue to wait and pray for YOUR will to be done in our lives. I continue to pray for the salvation of the unsaved souls Ramon Tiu, Robert Go and family, Shiek Hassan Yousef, Sabha Abu Salem and their children, Frankie and Lovely to come to the knowledge of Yeshua the Messiah of Israel, salvation for my Palestinian friends Moayed and his family, Nader and his family, the Hattab family of Fadi, Shadi and Isam, the Gulfan family of Jose, Jeanie Rose, the mother of Jose Ho, Dipe Robert Yu and family, Aunt Ling and her entire family, Aunt Lilian and her children, Uncle Henry and his family and all my relatives in my mom's side that I do not know. I pray for healing upon Gaily, Gabella, Jhunn Marie, and Benett Silario. I pray for YOUR grace upon us all O GOD, have mercy on us O GOD. Toda Adonai that today YOU are slowly revealing and guiding me to the next phase of my life, taking me to the Middle East where my heart is. I pray that YOUR love and grace bring change to my Mom Myra, that she will surrender all her worries and cares about her family to YOU because YOU O LORD know better than her best for us. Please LORD do a miracle in her heart, let her be ministered to Pastor Timmy. Help her Adonai. Let her to surrender to YOU. Thank YOU AVI for this day that YOU will order my steps slowly but surely for YOU are GOD who is Sovereign over all things. I pray that YOU make my dreams come true that I will one day serve Israel where they need help the most. All Glory and Honor belongs to YOU O GOD, my life is in YOUR hands.
Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMashiach, Amen!
Dear Yousef,
I was excited today and happier than most of the days I have been since the time I was put down by my own family on that tragic summer. They can put me down while I am in their household but soon I will break myself free from being in their household, I just need to continue obeying GOD as HE leads me to my freedom and deliverance. I have forgiven them, I am spending as much time with my parents because I love my parents and moments are all we have. Today I went to the office, without a dog coz I had to go to Lapulapu to pay electric bills for Ezra and I had to assess what needs to be done so that Unit 7 is ready to be used by our newest Client. So I met Pastor Jonah there and we came back to Mandaue office to talk for a while and then have Bible Study. Our wokers caught a little snake in the Warehouse but it was not nice, I want to kill it but the workers wanted to sell it for money so I allowed them to. And I am just excited because last night I found a volunteer opportunity that I really want to do for the longest time since 2012 when I was there and at that time, my Nationality was not allowed to take part of it but now it is allowed. I am really praying GOD will give me this opportunity. I am preparing everything that needs to be done already because I plan to leave this year! I am so excited and even Ma Elsie saw how happy I am so that she is so happy for me. Then I was supposed to join Zumba exercises today but our bible study finished just a little before 5pm and I still had to talk to Pastor Jonah about somethings. I just swam when I got home so that I could get the exercise I wanted and then watched Fauda with my Dad and brother David because Season 4 is ready to watch on Netflix. We waited to watch the next season that even my Dad recalled that we waited 2 years for us to enjoy this series again and I can't believe he is right 2 years is a really long time and watching it again made me such a nervous wreck I kept jumping out of my sofa bed because it is jam packed with action but the first episode included a Wedding, isn't it nice? While Doron was lonely, I always felt that Doron was kinda like your best friend Gonen because of his face, what do you think? Anyway, after the series, I was completing some application for the opportunity to volunteer in Israel that I was a bit late at attending the family communion. You know I already stopped attending the communion with family since my family let me down but after Japan, I decided to be in good standing with my parents because they did their best to raise me even though they are not the best but they did their best and for that I will always be grateful. It's my siblings that I have become more indifferent ever since the big let down. I just couldn't see myself with them anymore, they defiled the way I looked at them but it's okay, I have always been different, but respect should be maintained no matter how different I am. But today, I am happy because finally one of my biggest dreams are about to come true! Coming to Israel to volunteer! May the LORD grant to me what HE said HE would this year!
Ba HaShem YEHOSHUA HaMalkizadik Amen!
Finished writting @22.22 TV Room of our House