8th Watch 18 Sivan 5983
7 June 2023
Reading: Leviticus 6:1-30, Hebrews 9:15-28

Command Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the law for the burnt offering: the burnt offering itself shall remain on the hearth on the altar all night until the morning, and the fire on the altar is to be kept burning on it. The priest is to put on his linen robe, and he shall put on linen undergarments next to his body; and he shall take up the fatty ashes to which the fire reduces the burnt offering on the altar and place them beside the altar.
(Leviticus 6:9-10 NASB)
This for me is being like the human Menorah, in my dialect it is called "Lampara". If man is a tree, we should be like the Burning Bush that Moses encountered, a bush on fire that is not consumed and does not put out. We ought to be the fire, the fire of our love for GOD should be kept burning in our hearts day and night. Because of the darkness and evil in this world, I am being ignited to being HIS light in this dark age.
And to put on undergarments it's like what I always taught with regards to the armor of GOD, double up, double down, double shield. It's just like having double oil, so that we have extra if in case we run out while waiting for the bridegroom to arrive.

Dear Yousef,
Today it is my Moma's bestfriend's birthday. Her name is Alma and she is my mama's bestfriend because they both (her and my mom) came from very poor circumstances, they both grew up in families that rejected them because they did not belong to them. Aunt Alma grew up an orphan raised by her Aunts/Uncle who did not treat them like real family but treated them like workers and my mom similarly grew up like an orphan because her grandmother who raised her was not even her blood grandmother because my Mom's mother was adopted by her and it was not her blood mother who raised her but her adoptive grandmother. They both worked hard enough to becoming Titans with their husbands. Aunty Alma has 2 daughters, and one of them is my Mama's favorite girl that she wants to pair with my brother David, with both their names written in the bible. Abigail is the eldest daughter of my Aunt Alma and she is such a wonderful person, such a good daughter and my Mom had been praying her to be her daughter in law, but unfortunately, this is not David's will. Okay,
This morning started with another ordinary day but when it is ordinary then I am very grateful because it means everyone is okay, everything is good, nobody is sick, not eve my dogs praise the KING! Nothing bad going on except for our trucks that are breaking down at the streets because they are old trucks and they need to be replaced but my Dad wants them repaired because to buy a new one is expensive. Still it is an expense to repair than to buy a new one when you can still use an old one, this is the usual chinese mentality of doing business. Anyway, I love to tell you about my world because I am not yet with you, how I wish I can share your world and make your world my own but your world is my own in another part because I love the Jewish people because of our KING JESUS who is Jewish by birth, loves the house of Israel and in fact, HE wants all of us to prioritize winning them first before any other race or people on earth. (Romans 1:16)
I am bothered with one thing though, my spiritual son Natan.EL irritates me for the fact that he would laugh at GOD's promise about us, to the point of unbelief because he doesn't see the impossible happening, and when he doubts GOD, he then begins to believe the lies of satan that I could possibly be for him. I've come to realize that GOD has given all my spiritual children some kind of attraction towards to me but it's a spiritual attraction that could be mistaken as romantic if their flesh is stronger than their spirit. It's a lie that somehow most of the men close to me are being tricked into because satan is fighting his best for this promise for us not to come to pass. That's why my anger towards Natan.EL tends to get out of hand so that I am easily angry at his mistakes just so he would snap out of his fantasies about me because of the evil at work within all of us. So because of his actions and his silent mockery, I am being challenged to do something about it. Today believe it or not, I passed an application to volunteer in Israel this year. But this was never my plan, I wanted to wait for you to come for me, and even when waiting seems really painful, it becomes an insult when the people around me scoff about GOD's promise for you to marry me. So to counter the scoffers, I did something today to ensure my travel to Israel this year. Whether you are coming for me or not, I am going there to volunteer, it's been something I've been putting off to do that I have been wanting to do! Because GOD's direction to me for the past years have been to wait for my KING to come for me, not to travel anymore but to wait. So I have not done it for the past 11 years that I attempted to do it but today, I believe I am being led to do it. And this time, I am more mature, I more focused into achieving what I always wanted to do and I feel safe to do it today because I am no longer unsure but sure of the person GOD wants me to marry that is you. So I always wanted to do something for GOD in relation to HIS beloved and chosen people, so what better way than to do it serving Israel in the place that matters to GOD the most. Telling you about it through my letters make me feel confident that I am in the right track, GOD is certainly leading me there. Please pray for me that I will finish whatever business that needs to be finished regarding my work in the family. I want to already sell off the last 2 houses of the Townhouses that are left and whatever properties that could be sold this year, I pray that it be sold so that I can earn and take pocket money with me to Israel since volunteer work is not a regular job, it only gives me allowances and that's okay because the point is to volunteer so please pray GOD provide for me while I go to Israel. I want to bless Israel and not be an obligation to it so may the LORD bless the work of our hands but more than anything in this world, I pray to see you soon, my beloved and then together we can work for GOD and serve Israel together.
Okay I have to go and attend My Mama's bestfriends birthday party. Luckily the location is near and is being held in a japanese restaurant that I love called Nonki. I will write to you everyday in accordance to the will of GOD, HIS Spirit and Power at work in my life.
Sincerely yours,
Marie Christine
Maryiam Yousef