2 Tammuz 5983 / 21 June 2023
@ Granbell Hotel Sapporo
Day 171
Readings: Leviticus 14:1-32, Matthew 8:28-34
DKL: 2 Kings 1-2, Acts 14, Psalm 139, Proverbs 19-21

Dear ABBA,
Blessed are YOU O Adoani MalkiZedek, Melek Ha Olam! Holy One of Israel, I come before YOU, empty my mind of all the cares and worries that I have in this world. I need YOU ABBA. I seek My peace from YOU, My ABBA who cares for me. YEHOSHUA who loves me more than a husband, My Everlasting!!! Forgive me LORD for all my wrongs, my failures, and make me right before YOU by YOUR grace that enables me to obey. Give me purity of heart, give me sound mind, Shalom! Make me right because I cannot do it on my own, I depend on YOU, to fully take hold of me by YOUR Ruach Hakodesh!!! Heal me from all my pain, comfort me from all my sorrows and lead me to the path that YOU have set before me O GOD. I am seeking YOU regarding coming to Israel, lead me to the right way, right company if YOUR will is for me to work. Lead me faithfully without anything hindering me. Clear the paths before me LORD and detach me from my family because YOU are sending me as YOUR servant as YOU have promised in the past. Lead me LORD, and take care of me. I pray that YOU will take care of my family and let them to let me go because they have not welcomed YOUR SPIRIT in My home, therefore I will leave and go where YOUR Spirit is taking me. I am ready LORD, please help me not to be driven by my emotions but lead me by the hand and take control of my emotions. Be in full control of me ABBA and take care of all that I leave behind because I do not want to look back to where I came from but I keep my eyes on YOU looking to YOU and the Prize YOU have set before me. Fill me once again so I can be used by YOU. Please bless my way today as I go to Manna chapel and inquire for Myra. Please speak to My Spirit as YOU did and YOU always do, please let me be sensitive to YOUR voice and prodding, and let me follow YOU faithfully and carefully til the end. Quicken my Spirit O GOD, and bless Sunshine and all our dogs, and let them to survive. Please O GOD, bless Pastor Jonah and use him to be the voice for my family in my behalf when YOU send me to Israel or anywhere YOU chose for me to go. Make my way prosperous O GOD and let my family to let me go. Thank YOU ABBA, that YOUR SPIRIT lives in me, let the FIRE of YOUR SPIRIT continue to burn everywhere that I am and never let it be snuffed out. Bless my husband Mosab Hassan Yousef, and prepare him to meet me, prepare us for the good works YOU have set out for us to do together, please reveal me to him, please ABBA, let him read my letters, let him know I am the wife YOU have prepared for him, reveal my name, let him to search for me and bring us together soon. I've had enough already LORD of all the comforts and false security and vanity that I have with my family. I want to serve YOU with Mosab please set me out according to YOUR WORD and let YOUR WILL be done for my family. Do not allow them to stop me O GOD but I pray that YOU release me from them because YOUR SPIRIT within me is hindered when I am with them. Only Mosab can cover me now, please ABBA let it be done, all that YOU have promised me, let it be done. Remember me, look with mercy to me, let YOUR grace fall upon me this time.
Ba HaShem YESHOSHUA HaMalkiZedek, Amen!

Thank YOU ABBA, that YOU always keep YOUR Eyes on me, Take full control of me ABBA, and let my heart be always One with YOURS, reveal more truths to me. Set me free from all the hindrances around me. And enable me to keep My Eyes on you, as I also keep my eyes on Mosab My Yousef, please take care of him for me... bring us together, help us to keep our eyes on YOU, let him to dream of me, tell him about me O GOD as YOU told me about him, pleaase do not let me be alone in this revelation please tell him, in JESUS Name I trust, AMEN!
Dear Yousef,
Today is a free day for us to do anything, I wanted to have my devotions first but I read a chat from Natanel that he wanted to excuse himself from work because he wanted to go to the government office and I was so angry that he would think about this thing that we didn't require him to go, but to take care of the puppies and one of the puppies the white and brown one died this morning and he didn't even tell me right away like he reported about the first puppy dying when we arrived in Japan. I was so disturbed and so angry at Natanel, I started to shout at him for being so insensitive but my sister didn't let me because the neighbors might hear me so I just kept quiet but felt so bad. I pray that GOD will deal with Natanel because he is so dumb and insensitive. Just dumb I am telling you, his IQ is probably less than 50, that's why I transferred him to work as helper in our house because all the managers in the Warehouse Office cannot trust him to do his job which involves counting. I am not as bright or intelligent, but I pray to be the woman that YOU need and today my schedule is just to go go Manna Chapel to inquire of any missionary they might need so that I can refer Myra my friend to this church. May the LORD prepare a place for me in Israel because GOD has already given me WORD to go there this year. HE has confirmed it again in 2 Kings 2 where Elijah is taken up to the Heavens from Elisha. I receive this as a go signal for GOD to bring me to Jerusalem soon because HIS coming is very near. I imagined myself taken up from the balconies of Jerusalem into the clouds to meet JESUS in the past the first time I was in Jerusalem. I have also seen myself fighting some dragon (evil) head on and the next moment I was being caught in JESUS arms. It is also another way to die, but however I will die, I want to be with YOU until our death. I pray you we will be together sooner than later. I pray the LORD gives me strength to wait on HIM as HE has given me strength to wait many years for HIS promise. Please be ready to be with me, I am already ready, I really want to leave my family already for I have been their Lampara all my life, but they have recently snuffed out with cold harsh water the fire that GOD has been burning in my Spirit, soon I will be removed from them. Please take care of yourself while I'm away. Please.... write to me if you have read my messages, write to me I have so many emails, you can choose any. I pray to see you in Israel this year, I pray everyday for HIS will for you and me. I do not want HIS will to change anymore, I want us to be together soon. I am tired of being in this same life where GOD is hindered. I want to be free with YOU. I promise to be submissive to YOU, because it is GOD's will that I should be, that every wife should be. I have no other plan than to be with you and to serve GOD with you until I die with you. I am no longer waiting for you to come to Cebu to get me, I will meet you in Israel. I will marry you there. GOD will take care of the rest. I will write again later about how my day went. I wish I knew what you are doing each day, wish I could communicat with you even now but I have nothing in my hands but GOD's Promise, HIS assurance, HIS Word, and HIS Spirit. Till then please keep praying for me to get to Israel this year, no more delays!!! This is our year!!!
15:08 @0904 Sapporo granbell hotel
We changed rooms because our schedule had already been changed because of the canceled flight we had in the first day of our trip to Japan but I am good with it. 14 days is too long to be vacationing here.
22:01 @0819 and now I am in a room with my parents because of the change of schedule we had to extend our stay here. I am not complaining I am enjoying Japan. This afternoon though, while I was transferring room to my parents because David didn't want to be with them because my mom was always trying to fight with him because of his girlfriend but as he arrived he gave me keys to Deans room so I can give it to them when they arrived but I refused to give it to them because I was still angry with them but it doesn't mean I forgave them. I just wanted to make it clear to them that I was not happy with them. I had a fight with David and I am glad we did so I could settle whatever differences I had with David and so I told them whatever it is that was in my heart especially my dissappointment with Dean and Denesse. My sister was more interested with shopping than the heart to heart talk. So I went to shop with my parents and then we have dinner for only 2400 JPY. The food here is surprisingly cheaper than it is in the Philippines and I did enjoy our trip especially when I had time alone this afternoon to visit the churches so I could inquire for Myra but they were all closed. So I went around walking by myself until 15:00 the time when we could check in our new rooms in the same hotel. So far the 3rd day is good but this morning the white puppy died so we are down to 3 puppies and I feel so sad because I don't want them to die but to live. But I still submit to the will of GOD because I want Sunshine to live. I hope you are well and I pray that you are healthy and strong, peaceful and happy. Please don't be too happy without me or else you will never want to be with me. I pray that you will dream of me at night and see my face and hear from GOD where we will meet. I am coming to Israel this year and I really want to bring Cobe with me but not until we are already married and I will bring him. I want to be there for him when he is going home to KING JESUS, I still am not ready for that day because he is so precious to me. I wish and pray that you will meet him when we have our wedding in Cebu. Just a small humble and discreet wedding with all my workers as our guest will mean so much to me.... because I want them to see how GOD has answered all their prayers for me and of course it has to be in the beach front maybe in Bantayan where all the Watchmen should enjoy at getaway with all their families.
Your Princess Bride,
Marie Christine