1st Watch 12 Sivan 5983
Dearest Yousef,

I want to call you Habibi, but it might be inappropriate for you. Shalom Brother! Salaam!!! I want to speak to your heart, but I don’t know how. So I will be my true self, because I don’t want to pretend to be somebody you will like. If you don’t like me, what am I to do? Right? But reality is that I am who I am and I want you to know me from my letters and someday I will know you personally when we are together. Maybe I should write to you everyday, since the Prophet VictorYAH already had released a word to write letters to you…
Do you know? It’s hard to keep believing GOD’s Promise to me since 2021. HE promised that I will not only meet you but be married to you. Does this sound crazy to you? But the crazier part is that GOD had alrady told me I would marry a man born in Zion since 2011, I just didn’t know he was Arab because GOD hid that part until 2021.
Do you think I am crazy? That I would believe GOD would let me marry someone as great and amazing as you? That I might live a life in hiding becuase you are hiding too? Am I crazy to risk my life to be with someone as sought out and haunted such as you? To me, it’s not crazy, it’s the most amazing thing GOD would do for me if HE would let me marry you. Why? Because of so many reasons why… I can enumerate them one by one:
You are the One that my soul loves and it’s so tragic that I found you on youtube because you are so far from me and you don’t know me but I loved you the moment I heard your voice and saw you speak at a speech you made at Jerusalem Post. I loved you right away and my heart keeps on longing for you today. But I already knew about you since I was in London 2010 because my Palestinian friends were bewildered when your book came out and I just had to buy it back then.
Like you, I don’t fit in the mold where I was raised anymore. I have become so different since following our KING JESUS CHRIST as a Solider. Not even the Christians around me could relate entirely to me…
My own family has rejected me as a follower and Watchman of the KING. I was a Christian growing up but I wasn’t this nuts until 2017 when GOD asked me to put on the head covering. I just changed all of a sudden and I was never the same and I know only YAHUWAH and you could appreciate the totality of who I am right now…
You are the only person I can relate to, the one person I want to be with, you have lived and died for the KING and today as I wait for GOD to fulfill HIS promise to me, I die each day not being with you.
I cry as I write because I know you are hurting too like me nobody could understand the dept of you but I do and only I would… I want to give rest to your homeless heart, like I want to be covered by a home too.
In my heart, I have already left everything, I have already said my goodbyes to my family, my bags have been packed since I arrived from Manila when the KING told me I will still be marrying you.
I understood myself even more when I found you, I loved me better when I understood myself and who I was and all that GOD had created me to be because a huge part of me is you, I was made to love and be loved by you, to be a helpmate to my Adam and you are my only Adam, I cannot imagine myself loving another man!!! If you are not my husband, then I would rather not marry at all… I cannot love half heartedly, I just cannot! You are my soul mate, and there is only 1 soul mate for each person — that’s it!
Everyday, I am praying and expecting you to burst in through my life any moment now because I believe in the GOD who has promised me all these things, the GOD of Avraham, Yitzak and Yaacov. I just want you to know that all I want is to love you, I want to be with you. I don’t need us to raise children if you don’t want to, I don’t need a house if you don’t want to own a home, I just want to be with you always and if at the end of our lives we are killed then so be it! It would be an honor to die for the KING since I already saw (in an open vision) the way I could die (in a battle) on 2020. But if you want children then let’s have them, whatever you want, I am one with you! But for me, we only have about 5–10 years before KING JESUS comes for all of us HIS bride. Of course, I want us to be caught up together with all the Saints in the sky and fly like Superman and meet KING JESUS in the clouds or be carried by the chariots of Elijah like Elijah was, but we can’t really plan the life the way we want it, we are slaves of KING JESUS and we love doing whatever pleases the KING — that’s it. I only ask one thing from you, please allow me take with me my dogs when you take me to be your wife. My request is that I will bring our son Cobe and his wife Sunshine and 2 of their puppies with us in the Bungalo house that you live somewhere in the South East. Please? I want to be there for little Yaacov (Cobe) when he breathes his last, because he has been such a faithful warrior dog of mine. The last and only wish of a dying dog is that their master and only love will be there with them in the last moments of their lives. I want to take Sunshine because Sunshine loves Cobe so much and she is like me that she does not want to live if Cobe does not exists and she is the happiest when she is with Cobe. By the way Sunshine is pregnant again — can you believe? well what do you expect!? I want to take Cobea and Sienna too, because they love me so much and I don’t want them to be so sad if I leave them with my family when I am the Mama that they look to. No loving mother would leave their dependent children to anyone’s care, I am their mother so I will take them wherever I am, please let me, but whatever you say I will submit because you know better than me. You are going to be my head, my covering, my crown after KING JESUS, just like all my fathers and pastors, mentors and watchmen had been to me. When I marry you, it will be only you, your people will be your people, because we both love the same YESHUA.
On 2021, you probably changed your mind about me because you don’t want me to suffer like you but Please, I beg you, like Ruth begged Naomi:
“Don’t pressure me to leave you and stop following you;for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you stay, I will stay.Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.Where you die, I will die; and there I will be buried.May Adonai bring terrible curses on me, and worse ones as well,because I prayed not even death separates you and me.”
Thank you for reading my letters to you and to anyone who reads it too, you may laugh but these words are the TRUTH that I speak from my heart.
Love your Sister, your Bride,

Marie Christine Yu for you, the only wife ELOHIM made only for you