"I am shaking whatever that can be shaken so no male would splendor in exactly what I will do. For I have actually waited on a generation that I might raise up a pureness and holiness in. And I am raising up firebrand.There is a leader anointing coming across the youth of the Philippines that will prepare the method of the Lord even into the middle east,” states the Lord.
”See and look exactly what i will perform in Mindanao, for I am going to go to in a manner that you can not imagine.I am pertaining to Mindanao” states the Lord,” as the God and the Lord of hosts and I am going to begin appearing” the Lord states” As an indication that I am going to genuinely alter the country, I am going to reveal myself to the guerrilla leaders and I am going to come” states the Lord,” And I am going to start in the locations in the Philippines that have actually been the bloodiest, the locations where the guerrillas’ insurrection has actually been the greatest and I am going to feature marvels and indications and miracles. And I am all set to put out a wonder blessing the Philippines such as the earth has never ever seen.For Indonesia they had a hurrying magnificent wind, however in the Philippines they will have the fire from paradise that will start to fall.And this will be a purging fire and I will state I will even go to even as if in a day, states God.Do not believe that I am unable to come in a day and start to decipher the inequities of the country” states the Lord.
”I am going to go to the military.I am preparing to come amongst the young military” and the Lord states,” There’s going to be a transformation of righteousness that comes within the military.I am preparing to dismiss whatever that have to be dethroned.For even the bowls of paradise are complete.” Oh I see the bowls in paradise are simply preparing to be toppled the Philippines and” I am going to spill out my splendor” and the Lord states,” I will eliminate the embarrassment that satan has actually aimed to put upon this country”.
And the Lord states,” See and look for even the blood of the martyrs sobs out even from Saudi Arabia.The blood of the martyrs sobs out from those Islamic countries and my Filipino people-they have actually laid their lives down. Do not believe I have not seen. Do not believe I am looking away. Do not believe I do not see you, Philippines, for I see you. You are the apple of my eye. You are a treasure unto me”.
And the Lord states,” This is the day and this is the hour when I start to alter whatever” states the Lord. I’m going to alter the judicial system. I’m going to dismiss corrupt judges. I’m going to start to expose, expose, expose, expose. And the lord states, “See and look exactly what I will do. For I will open my treasure chest from the Philippines. And I am going to start to launch financing from the Philippines, that will shock and shake even hongkong. For I’m preparing to move a circulation of wealth” states God,” And I’m getting to open the oil. I’m preparing to open that which remains in the ocean. I’m getting to come up with transformation even in the financial systems and the financing system”.
”Want to the University in Manila” states God.” For I will bring a revival that the …” oh my Lord … the Lord states,” Not hundreds, thousands and thousands and thousands are getting saved”. The Lord states, Can I touch an entire university? Yes. I can touch an entire university. I can feature my splendor and I can feature my power in manner in which you can not think of, for I am coming, states God,” I am coming and I will stay,” states the Lord.